Thursday, June 29

Thursday (just for the s**ts and giggles!!)

Well...the wait is finally over...and even though it's not as long as A-Level release was still very long!! I have passed my first year at university!! Yey for roll on next October!!

Wednesday, June 28


I apologise for the boring post titles at the moment...but I can't think. I have been trained to input only so this is what I must do! Today has been fun filled! I have learnt how to process returning students as well as new of joys...

I also seem to have lost my mind...I have agreed to overtime as am working from 8am until 7pm (crazy f****r!!) and 7.30am until 12.30pm on saturday...what is the world coming too! I hate mornings!!

Think of the money...I also apologise for my boring posts...but I'm afraid I have nothing else to write about...I spend my days at work and can do nothing as exciting as watch 24 all day!!

Chow for now!

P.S Just wanted to wish my fellow blogger a VERY HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!!! Don't get too wasted Jo!!

Tuesday, June 27


Well today I had my first full day at work...It was really really dull!!

I have been sat with all of the managers so have nobody to talk to and the only thing that pulls me through the day is the fact that the guy next to me smells gorgeous!!! I can't believe people actually do this for a living!! I couldn't...I would literally go out of my mind...I know I'm not exactly in my mind now...but you get my drift!

Anyhoo...only 13 1/2 weeks to go!

Monday, June 26

Tell me why I don't like Mondays...

...I don't like this monday because funerals are sad and first days at work are scary.

Just a brief update.

Catch you later.

Sunday, June 25

Back in Darlo...

I seem to have done so much already! I didn't get home until half four yesterday as I spent most of the day in Durham at the continental market (had a waffle...yummy!) which was good but also wierd as I wasn't going home when I had finished shopping...I've always walked up the hill to college...but yesterday I had to get in a car and leave!

Went out to Adam's 21st birthday (he is sooooooooooo old!!) BBQ last night and had a wicked time! I had forgotten how fantastic some of my friends are at home!! Got to see Steven, Adam, Laura, and Morph again (oh and jo!) and was a really good laugh! Will have to remember to stay in touch more next year.

After getting very little sleep last night and not sleeping off my hangover I had a very fragile walk around a 'Scarecrow Exhibition' this morning!! I know random...but some were fairly cool!

Phew...that was a busy few hours!

P.S keep a look out for photos...

Saturday, June 24


Well the time has come. We all have to leave Van Mildert College and our life and routine as we know it will change forever. We will no longer have to avoid ducks, frogs (have you seen the babies by the way-so tiny!), and giant teenage mutant ninja turtles when trying to get food or going to bed!

My time here has been incredible, I have made thee most fantastic friends which is more than I expected and probably what is making today so hard. I have to endure 100 days without them! So much seems to have happened in the 9 months that I have known them and we have been through a lot together!! Summer is going to be very odd without having them around.

But alas...we have to go...we have to work...but we shall return!

See you in September Durham!!

Friday, June 23

Mildert Day!!

Yesterday Was mildert Day...and being the crazzzzzzzzzzzy people that we are...we decided to do a 24 hour session in order to celebrate such a glorious day!

We started our 24 hours after a quick nap (after the footie...COME ON ENGLAND!!!) at midnight as planned with some frisbee...which by the way I am getting increasingly good at...I can now hammer, backhand, forehand, and flick!! After frisbee we had chocolate fondue...mmmmmmmmmmmm...then we played friends the game...rather funny and a little embarrassing for some...then we went for a walk to watch the sun rise...and then back to mildert for a film ( The Constant Gardener- which actually has some relation to a gardener!!). The film finished just in time for breakfast, which was bacon sandwiches!! Yummy!! After breakfast we collected our Mildert Day T-shirts and the day started!! There was lots of fun...plenty of alcohol...and some good food! Bring on Mildert Day 2007!!

Now things seem to have hit an all time low...I have 1 full day left of my first year at university...

(Just to avoid confusion...I did write this post on Thursday night...however due to was actually Friday morning...oh and having the reputation that I do- Just thought I should mention that this is in fact my 69th post!! HeHe)

Sunday, June 18

Frisbee Rocks!!

Wow...can't believe I'm actually saying this but frisbee is wicked!! It's also very addictive! I can't get enough of it! I was very upset today as I couldn't play for long due to an injury to my hand (that's right I have a sporting injury!! Frisbee is a sport!!) :-(

It's all good though!

Also, just thought I should take the time to wish my Daddy a **Happy Father's Day!!**.

Peace out!

Saturday, June 17

Last week... :-(

As I havn't posted for a while I thought I would take this opportunity to bore all of you! HeHe...

Havn't really been upto much this week...Uni is really rather full of nothingness once exams are finished! just spend time playing frisbee or some other fantastic sport! (I know crazy to hear that from me), watching football or some other kind of sport, sleeping, or drinkng...not necessarily in that order!!

I can't believe that my first year of uni is nearly over...just need results then can kind of forget about it...academically anyway! So much has happened and I've changed so much...this really has been a fantastic experience!

As uni is nearly means that I've soon got to leave people...for THREE months! That's waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long! I won't even get chance to see some people again, so It's time to make the most of my last week!!

I start my last week rather tiredly as didn't get to bed until late...:-S...and was kept awake by 'nasty ball goers' playing cricket outside of my window!! Mental!

Ok...almost time for brunch!

Speak soon peeps!

Tuesday, June 13


Today I had a very scary job interview! I must have done something right as from a week monday I will be data processing!! Rock on!

Hope everyone is ok?

Speak soon!

The Land of Oz!!

The last four U.S. presidents are caughtin a tornado,and off they spin to OZ After threatening trial and tribulations, they finally make into the "Emeral City"and came before the great wizard.

Jimmy Carter steps forward timidly:"I had a terrible timewith Iran, so i've come for some courage". "NO PROBLEM" SAYS THE WIZARD "IT'S DONE"

Ronald Reagan steps forward, well,well ,uh i need a new memory."DONE SAYS THE WIZARD"WHO COMES NEXT BEFORE THE GREAT WIZARD?

Up steps George Bush, "sadly i'm told by the American people that i need a heart". "I've heard that's true" says the wizard "Consider it done."

Then there was a great silence. Bill Clinton is just standing there,looking around,but doesn't say a word.

Irritated the wizard finally ask,WHAT BRINGS YOU TO THE EMERALD CITY? Bill Clinton replies..........."Is Dorothy around?"

Monday, June 12

Contentness...Can't beat it!

Today has been a fantastic day. I am feeling good!!!

End of!


Thursday, June 8

Sound like me...?

Your Element is Earth
Your power color: yellow
Your energy: balancing
Your season: changing of seasons
Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful.
What Element Are You?


Wednesday, June 7


Just to let people know in advance of a very important date. It's my 20th Birthday in a month...exactly 30 days!! Better start saving peeps!!! HeHe...only joking!

I'm actually rather scared about it!!! :-S

Tuesday, June 6

Happy Tuesday!

As I havn't posted for a while I will get you all up to date!!

I spent the weekend at home for my sisters 13th Birthday (I can't believe she's a teenager!!!), plenty of good food, drink, and family!! Was good!

Apart from that it's pretty much been four days of nothingness!! (At least there is nothing bad to report!)

All is good!


Friday, June 2

Men and Women

Look how I naturally put men first...Think there's anything in that??!! It's strange the whole male/female thing. We are all part of the human race but there are distinctive differences...not just the physical kind! We all spend a lot of time complaining or moaning about the opposite sex...but do we ever really live without there ever a time that each sex isn't contemplaiting the other??

Even when girls get together for some stereotypical guys allowed...they are still spoken of, still thought about, they still influence us.

I think that men and women balance each other out, there differences should not be scorned or pointed out but used to advantage. So girls and boys...relish the differences...mix and learn!

It's Lady's Night!!

Lol...Just had an evening full of alcohol, chocolate, gossip, and girls! Was pretty good! Havn't had a good old girly time for ages! Have to admit much as I love a good chick flick and chat...I'd be lost without men! Sad really isn't it!

Anyhoo...time for an early night me thinks!

Love ya!