Thursday, August 31

It's nearly the weekend!!

Man this week has gone slow...but the weekend is nearly here!! I only have 1 1/2 days left!! Whilst we're on the subject of days...I only have 21 1/2 days left of work!!! Which means only 29 1/2 days until I return to Durham!!!! Hehe...I'm so excited!!! Can't wait!!

Anyhoo...lunch break over, man work is dull...and stressful!!..."it's nearly the weekend"!!


Sunday, August 27

Sunday Dinner!!!

I have just made my first full sunday dinner...from scratch!! That's right everything was fresh and made with my own bare appose to Aunt Bessie!! My dinner included thee most gorgeous joint of brisket (that's beef for the uneducated-or those of you who havn't even worked in a butchers), carrots, cabbages, cauliflower cheese (no packet mix!!), mash potato, roast parsnips, yorkshire puddings, proper gravy (as appose to the fake bisto kind!!), and peas (ok they came from a tin). I am so proud!! It was actually a patch on my mams too!! Hehe...I am actually growing up!!


Thursday, August 24



Need I say more?

Tuesday, August 22

The Legend of 'The Giant's Causeway'

Finn MacCool was the giant who lived on the North Coast of Ireland. He had a great rivalry with Benandonner across the sea in Scotland. After a dispute about their respective fighting ability, Finn grabbed a rock a threw it towards Scotland issuing a challenge to settle this claim. Benandonner responding with another rock, saying he could not swim. Finn MacCool then tore slabs of volcanic rock from the plateau around him to pave a causeway to get across to his rival, the remains of which are the Giant's Causeway. When Finn saw Benandonner he realised that he had misjudged his size, he was huge! Finn returned home...

Benandonner accepted the challenge, came across the causeway and entered Finn MacCool's house to find the comparatively small (by giant standards) Finn dressed as a baby. Benandonner picked up the 'baby', whereupon Finn bit his rival's hand and chased him back to Scotland, pelting him with clumps of dirt and 'ripping' up the causeway. Legend has it that one of these clumps left a hole in the Irish land (a hole now filled in as Lough Neagh), but this missed its target and landed in the Irish Sea to become the Isle of Man. one explanation of the formation of the wonder of the Giants Causeway...

However, this is greatly insulting to me as a geographer and a human being!! The actual formation of the causeway was a volcanic intrusion into the earths crust. When the magma was intruded (during the tertiary period) rapid cooling occured causing major contractions in the rock. When the rock cooled, fractures occured forming the 40,000+ columns. The hexaganol shape can't really be is just a force of nature, however not all of the columns are hexaganol, some have more/less sides. As unbelievable as it may seem, NO HUMAN activity caused the formation of this amazing geology. We should just be glad that nature formed such a breath taking sight.

It is entirely up to you which 'theory' you decide to believe...but sometimes things have a bigger impact when they can't be explained!! Hehe...

Monday, August 21

Busy Weekend...

Well...I don't seem to have stopped this weekend but it's been fun!! At 3.30pm on Friday I left work and got the train through to Durham to see Vicky and sort my house out. We started by washing our sofa cushions...the I unpacked my room whilst Vicky made tea!! It was so strange eating tea in my very own house, that was cooked on my very own cooker in my very own kitchen!! Hehe...I can't wait to move through for good!! It's so exciting! We sampled the local pub after tea and generally ahd a wicked time!

Saturday was spent shopping for some essentials for the house...the previous tenants had managed to burn a hole clean through the ironing board cover and not wash the floors for a whole year!! Eeeeeewwww!! Tom cooked lunch for us so we had to be civilised and grown-up and visit his house!! I feel very big and grown-up living in a house that isn't my parents!! I must remember that I still have to study!!

I returned home on saturday night after stopping at the local...again!! Jo came round for a film fest and food on sunday which was fun and I'm back at the Duke of Welly tonight for their monday night quiz!!

Phew...I'm so Happy!! Hehe!! And even though Taj continues to mcok me...I don't care!! Life can be fun adn exciting at times and at these times we need to embrace it!

Thursday, August 17


Sometimes you're the statue, Sometimes you're the pigeon...

Post 101

Hehe...I have decided in true room 101 fashion to share some of my pet hates in order to celebrate my 101st post!!


1) Guys topless in the street...even the attractive ones. What use does this have? It doesn't make you any cooler...if anything it makes you hotter as the sun then has direct contact with your skin!! Fools!

2) People who don't read instructions (I may be a culprit of this). This is a fairly recent additon to annoyances but students who don't print on application forms...I CAN'T read your writing!

3) People who can never be wrong. Definition: Opinion- a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. An indiviual thought or feelings regarding a subject. This doesn't mean that there opinion is right...and may even be proven wrong with facts. What it does mean is that people have different views on things, different tastes, morals, values. Nobodies opinions have superiority over anybody elses! Why should everybody think the same as you about a band or suchlike??!! Get over yourself!

4) Junk Mail. Junk mail is a waste of trees. Who reads junk mail? It can cause great excitement for those of you who like me enjoy getting post (minus bills!). You hear the letterbox go, hear the masses of letters thud on the mat, rush downstairs and see...several letters offering you a credit card, loan, or insurance! Grrr! If I wanted a credit card, loan, or insurance I would have got a credit card, a loan, or insurance. It usually ends up lining the waste paper basket anyway. Just stop sending it!!

I have decided that that is enough negative thoughts for today!! Today has been relatively good plus I have to go back to work now!!


Monday, August 14

Happy Holidays!

As most of you may know I have just returned from my two week stay in 'Sunny Scotland' LOL!!! I am an intelligent person and know what the weather is like on the west coast of the UK...however after the recent weather I had hoped for more than one day of sunshine! Yup thats it...I only had to suffer swim wear for one out of fourteen days!! Not too bad!

So...Scotland!! Is actually amazing! I havn't seen such gargeous scenery and sun sets for a long time! I hav managed to collect 176 photograps! I think on 8 of which people can be found! Hehe...I spent the enitre 14 days boring my family rigid explaining the processes involved in forming the amazing coastline: dykes, caves, beaches...pebbles...and the weather!! But what do they expact when you take a physical geographer to a place of such amazing geology!! They were even stupid enough to take me to Scotlands 'Gem-rock Museum!'

After much discussion we took a day trip tour thing to the 'Giants Causeway' on the Northen coast of Ireland which, again was amazing!! The Antrim Coast is just breathtaking! Seriously: Google it! (The causeway it's self was pretty cool too!!). I also participated in some of Irelands Culture...I had a bottle of the golden nectar (that's Magners for the uneducated) and a pint of Guiness in the birth place of both beauties!! It was so cool!

and so...after 14 days of sea, sun (haha...I'm referring to daylight hours only!) good food, drink, and company I have returned to the...wonder they call reality laden with specimens, pebbles, boulders (yup-seriously [according to Hjulstrom anyway] hehe) from the west coast plus a few gifts and a total of 13 postcards!!

Phew...sorry to bore you all!!

Sunday, August 13


I am back!! I don't have time to update you all now but just wanted to say hey and let you all know I havn't died!
