Thursday, September 28

Day 0

Well the day has finally arrived!! In just 2 hours I finish work...go home...finish packing (you know that bit was just for show right...I have been packed for a week!!)...shower and then go to Durham (well as soon as Hannah gets home from netball)!! Yey!!!

Today's been a fantastic day at work...if not a bit emotional! I have had lots of cards, chocolate, and wine (how well they know me) from people to show their appreciation. I am going to miss a lot of people and it will be sad to go :'-(

Right...This should be my last post from Darlo for a while!!! So speak soon from Durham!! (Yes...a whole 20 miles away!!)

Wednesday, September 27


Only one day to go!!!! Hehe

Sunday, September 24

Weekend Away!!!

My parents have been away this weekend to stay at my grandparents and me and My sisters have had the house to ourselves. After going to the chinese for tea with my Aunt last night we decided to cook a three course meal together today, each having a course each!! I have provided the pictures below to show the delicious treats we came up with!! I am well and truly stuffed though!!

This is Amy's starter of black marinated chicken with noodles in a black bean sauce. The chicken was delicious!!

This is my main course of Chicken cordon bleu, sauteed potatoes and homemade garlic bread!!

This is Hannah's amazing pudding!! Strawberries, shortbread and cream!! What a winning combination!!

We've pretty much spent our time watching Harry Potter, shopping, celebrating the Harvest Festival, and eating!! But alas...back to work tomorrow!!

(Only 4 days left!! See you soon Durham!!)

Thursday, September 21


Where is everyone today??!! I hope you're all having fun...I have had thee busiest day at work...can't wait 'til this time next week as I will have finished...forever!! I'm seriously wishing the days away and it's not working!! I have so much to look forward to...I get to see my friends after a very long time, live in my house, start learning again which I have surprisingly missed!!, go to a formal, and a concert!! And that's just the first week!!

Anyhoo...the next week should fly by as I have so much to do, sort out, and see!! I have the whole weekend with my sisters as my parents are away and a leaving do with my soon to be ex-work colleagues next tuesday...

Right. I'm off!

Wednesday, September 20

The Alphabet(a)

Ok. I have marvelled at myslef long enough. I am going to share my new found theory!! I was considering the alphabet for sometime a few weeks ago and then it hit me. The Alpha-bet(a). ..The alphabet originated in Eygypt, however there symbols are not seen in the alphabet used today. The alphabet was quickly picked up by the Greeks and developed into the 24 letters that are used frequently today. Such symbols are commonly found in mathematics. Anyway back to my point. The reason why we call the Alphabet, the Alphabet is because of the first 2 greek letters Alpha and Beta... It would have taken too long to say the whole alphabet so they abbreviated it to the first two letters!! Alphabet!! Hehe...

Right that's enough thinking!! Went to a quiz last night and did appaulingly...I couldn't even cheat properly as my sources were too slow!! After the quiz I went round to Adams and watched a bit of Music TV...not actually MTV...just the music television channels...

...And then...I actually got an early nights sleep!! The last time I looked at the clock was 12:30!!! This may not seem early to you, but for the past 15 weeks (well year really) I have been lucky to be asleep before 3!!

I never quite know how to end my posts.

Tuesday, September 19

Only a week to go!!

Phew...I only have 7 days of work left and I can't wait!! After nearly 14 weeks I have reached the end of my teather and can't wait for this chapter to end. It's even longer than a term at uni!! Well every cloud has a silver lining, what have I gained from this experience?? Apart from finacial benefits...not much!! But I now know that I DO NOT wish to spend my life doing admin work. It is NOTa possibility!! I'm hoping that this will encourgae me to work twice as hard on my uni work this year...but we'll see!! I have also learnt that the office environment is spectacular for the creation of gossip...even more so than the Thid Floor!! Whilst working for the SLC I have even managed an office romance...hehe??? I will miss the friends I have made here...but even that doesn't make working here worthwhile!!

In the meantime I am focused on being in Durham next thursday which isn't exactly helping!! This week is dragging!! My house is fantastic, my friends will be there, I have a concert to go to, and I should have some form of paid work!! What more do I want?? Life is good!!

Anyhoo...should get back to work before I'm sacked!!

Mwoah xxx

Sunday, September 17


Today I have been to the a seller!! It's quite amazing actually I took all of my crap and unwanted items and sold them on to other people making £65.30 in the process!!! Who thought of such wonders??!! I also spent some of my hard earned cash to buy a Harry Potter video and a record for my sister!! But generally had a profit making day!

Katie came through to good old Darlo yesterday!! We went shopping for some more 'house' stuff!! Had a fab time!! to go. People to do things to see.


Friday, September 15

Chocolate Crispy Cakes

Hey. Thank god it's the weekend!! It's been a very long week at work...but only 9 days left!! I made crispy cakes for 'my colleagues' this week (both milk and orange chocolate) which went down well...

Last night I went out (yes I have a social life) bowling with steven, Laura, Adam, Morph, and took us an hour to complete a usually 15 minute journey as Adam took a wrong turning (or wrong turnings) due to some road works!! but was a lot of fun...and I came fifth!! Which out of six people may not seem too great...but I beat the other girl!!

Tomorrow I'm seeing Katie and we're doing lunch or something!! Very exciting.

Anyway...must dash!!

Speak soon!

Tuesday, September 12

Just a quick one!!

Just wanted to post a quick update as havn't for a while!! I spent the weekend in Durham and getting my hair done...not in that order!! I have had a bit of an image change!! I no longer possess (does that have one s or two?) my blonde gone wrong locks (I coat Taj there!!) and have joined the following of brunettes!! Hehe...

Durham was fun...had pizza and watched Vicky's friend Meghans Sky TV!! Can't wait to move in properly but 16 days isn't that long!!

Anyhoo...must go back to work! Speak soonish peeps.


Friday, September 8

SSL Protocol??????!!!!!!

Gggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...facebook won't work!! I can't access it from work and now I can't access it from home!! Apparatly my SSL Protocol settings are not compatible with the server. What does this mean? And how can I change it? Answers on a postcard please.

Today's been an odd day. I went out last night with work and drank a fair amount...left work at 5pm and arrived home at 1.15am... :-S Have suffered majorly today though and am still hungover now!! It's after 8pm!!! My mouth feels like Gandi's flipflop and my legs don't want to hold me up!! Had a fab night though!! Stayed out with one of the guys from work and had a good a dance gggrrrrrrr!!! would appear Tchakra understands SSL and my settings are now at SSL3!!! Thanks Taj!

Wednesday, September 6


...don't really have anything to update today. I found out that I had a child if I was a guy that probably wouldn't sound so abnormal (not that all guys have unknown children here there and everywhere- but a woman would know if she'd ahd a child, surely??!!). Anyway, I will explain. At the fantastic university I go to, they have this system of college parents. Basically they're a mentor for new students at the university. Your child generally is part of your college and department, therefore allowing you to offer advice and insight etc etc etc.

Anyhoo...I am a college mum...and I have a daughter...called Katherine!! I'm very scared but excited!! I just hope that we get on enough to be in the same room as each other!! Hehe...

Right must go! Time for home...

Monday, September 4

Happy Mondays

Well...what a day! I was hoping to have something more happy and fun to blog about today...but I've had a bad day. This is probably because I woke up in a bad mood...I didn't sleep too well. I have been too efficient at work...and completed all my tasks earlier than expected (for which I was given a gingerbread worm!!- which was nice!!) and now I have been stuck with the most tedious work...the kind of stuff that has been left for months becasue nobody else wants to do it! So that's fun!

I also found out that I can't take any geology modules as the one that I am able to do (you had to complete the 1st year module to carry on...can't rememeber the posh name!) clashes with my compulsory Geography module 'Geography a Changing Disipline...which I'm sure you can all imagine is going to be thrilling!! So now I have to choose one of the remainding geography modules that I don't really want to do to take next year...and somehow get myself to Durham before October the 2nd to re-register for my new module whilst still working full time until the 29th of September!! gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr...stupid timetable clashes!

Anyhoo...we must not dwell on the bad on some crap like that so I'm going to go and do something positive! I am going to do some more reading for my course...yup I actually started it yesterday! Yey for me!!

Speak soon!

Sunday, September 3


Hmmm...what an interesting theory. No I wasn't meaning the TV show. I just think it's absolutly hilarious that you always seem to get more f*****d over by your 'friends' than any other group of people.

Fantastic huh?

Saturday, September 2

Goo Goo Dolls!!!

I'm going to a concert!! In Newcastle!!! And going to see Goo Goo Dolls LIVE!!! I'm so excited!! Bring on October 4th!!!

Friday, September 1

Tree Hugger!!

Today I saved 1/3 of a tree!! At work we have special boxes referred to as 'Treehuggers' which you can store your waste paper in until it's full. Once the treehugger is full it can be emptied into the recylcing bin. If you empty your treehugger 30 times the amount of paper recyled is the equivilent of using one tree to provide more paper. Today I emptied my treehugger for the tenth time, therefore I have saved 1/3 of a tree!! Everybody in my office has a treehugger and the majority of people use it wisely!! My office also provides recyling bins for cans, plastic bottles, plastic cups (from the water cooler!!), and plastic containers (from salads and sandwiches etc) I'm very proud!! It's about time some people took the time to think about the future of our planet. We are using resources at a high rate and the least we can do is try to conserve and make the most out of the resources we have used.

If you would like to read more about treehuggers and the company that has developed and patented them visit http:///

(For those of you who may suggest producing treehuggers is a waste of paper...they are mader from 80% recycled paper...and surely its better to use them than non-biodegradable plastic bags!!)