Saturday, December 30


Have you ever wondered that?

Tuesday, December 26

Merry Christmas!

Well...that's it! At least 4 weeks of preparation and then in the space of 24 hours it's all over. Christmas has been and gone and we must return to the comings and goings of everyday life. I had a brilliant day...despite it being extremely long and stressful at times! I hope everyone had a fantastic day that was full of joy, food , family, and love.

Friday, December 22

He's behind you!!

Hehe...yes I have been to the annual Christmas Pantomime!! I saw PeterPan at Durham's finest Gala was somewhat amusing!! If you're an 'old ones are the best' kinda joke teller you would have loved it! The pirates by far stole the show...literally...being pirates! Hehe

I've had a very long day!! I have travelled to Thirsk---->York (oops)---->Harrogate and back again!! I saw the wonderful sights of the 'Gate including The Stray, Betty's, Lots of posh hotels, and Wetherspoons! It's been a good day!

Thursday, December 21


Man...what a busy week!! I havn't stopped. Days have been spent preparing for Christmas and the addition of the Grandparents to our household for a week or so and the nights have been spent socialising! I went to the annual Christmas quiz on Sunday night...we did very badly!! I saw friends from school Monday night...was good to catch up! I saw friends from college on Tuesday night...that was fun! Last night (well tonight if we're not being technical) I attended the world's worst ever Christmas Carol Concert. You would think given the name there actually would have been Christmas Carols involved...however out of the 2 hours only 5 carols were sung!!?? Now I must away to my bed...I'm tired and I have another early start in the morning!! Tomorrow I am visiting the legendary 'Gate!! Hehe

Tuesday, December 19

Driving in my car...

Hehe...I'd forgotten just how much I love driving!! I can't believe I've been missing out on it for so long!! This weekend I have driven here, there, and everywhere! Hmmmm...that is a very silly saying! I havn't actually driven here as here is the study...I may have driven there though depending on where there is, and I certainly havn't driven everywhere as that would be impossible in 1 weekend!!

Saturday, December 16

Where is home??!!

What? It's that time of year already? How? I was just getting settled! I can't believe my 2nd 1st term is over already. It really doesn't feel like I'm going 'home'. Even as I sit in my room looking at boxes packed for the off...

Well this term has been a real mixed bag. There have been times of sadness, times of anger, times of illness, and most importantly times of elation. University seems to have a strange effect on life. It creates a cacoon or buble than no-one outside of university can enter or understand. Within this bubble emotions run high and change frequently! Half of the time it is difficult to know whether you are coming or going! But alas. I still love it and wish I had just returned as I could probably summon enough enthusiam to unpack what I've packed! As much as I like being at 'home' I can't help wanting the freedom, responsibility, and friends that are here in Durham. It is far too deep, depressing, and disheartening to think that this will eventually all be over. I will have to give up life as I know it and maybe grow up a little. What's even more daunting is that time isn't too far away. By the middle of next term I will have reached the halfway milestone. Ok. Enough of this dreariness.

I hope everyone has a fantastic break, a 'Merry' Christmas ('*:•Hic•:*'), and a Happy New Year!! Seen you all for a bright and optimistic 2007!!!

...Edinburgh was fantastic by the way!! Despite the customary rain, wind, and in some places rather steep topography (it's built on an extinct volcano you know...but that's another story!)! The day was pretty much spent shopping and wandering around Princes St or the Christmas market, but I did experience a bit of culture shock as we wasted an hour or two looking around the National Galleries!!

Wednesday, December 13

It's Christmas Time....

...Mistletoe and Wine. Well there was no mistletoe but there was wine! Today was our 'Fake Christmas Day'!! It was fab! We had an amazing Christmas Dinner including homemade Christmas Pudding...(thanks Dad!!), a stuffed bird and all the trimmings!! Secret Santa (thanks Tim...hmmmm not so secret Santa!). A lazy afternoon film and plenty of good cheer!

Am off to Edinburgh tomorrow...seriously early start...but it will be our last day together of 2006!!! Best make the most of it!

Anyhoo...sorry to have bored you all again...2 days in a row!

A late one...

...well it's 2.27 and I've finally finished my first drafts of both my essay and practical report! Yey!!! Just need it proof reading and voalla...finished completely!!

Man I really need to sleep!!! Why oh why do I always end up leaving it until the night before??!!

I suppose I should take this opportunity to update you all! I have been upto...nothing!! I have been to a few bars...written a few words...decorated a few rooms...and sang a few carols.

Tomorrow (well 12 hours in fact!) we are having a 'fake christmas'. I'm actually really excited! We're having dinner...mince pies...and presents!! :-D

Right...bed time...well nearly anyway!

Friday, December 1

Merry Christmas!!

Hehe...December is here...I would say finally but each year seems to get quicker and it seems like only yesterday that it was christmas!! But the time has arrived...dark nights, cold mornings, late night shopping...and the countdown to Santa coming is upon Everyone seems to forget the religious meaning of christmas!

I got a santa in my calender this morning!!! It's only the 1st!