Friday, November 30


How is anyone suppose to live in this world without pissing somebody off? Everyone says you should respect other peoples beliefs or values of life styles? So why does it feel like I'm suppose to be doing all the respecting?

Tuesday, November 27

(Stolen from a friend)

Thanks for this Mark!!!

Sunday, November 25

Happy Thanksgiving

Whether or not you choose to celebrate it, today is thanksgiving...

Now, I don't feel the need to have a specific day to be thankful, however it did cause me to wonder just what I am thankful for and how often I either take things for granted or just overlook things which are completely amazing! I think that if anybody simply takes the time to look around them they will see plenty of things to be 'thankful' for. Things to be in awe of. Things that we would probably miss if we did not have.

However, I think that people find it very easy to get too hung up on the things that they don't have. Things that they want.

You shall not covet your neighbour's house. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour. (Exodus 20:17)

I don't think anybody can deny that at some point in their day, week, month, year, they covet something. Whether it be somebodies lunch when your sandwiches have gone soggy, or money, or family, or life. In this day and age we all want more. Anything we have is never enough. When asked how much money does it take for a person to be really satisfied? John D Rockefeller replied 'Just a little bit more'.

There are many people who spend their life trying to find fulfilment in material things: possessions, lifestyles, bank balance, sometimes they remain unsatisfied. I think that it is due to covetousness that the world is in such a mess. Exploitation, war, etc etc etc are all caused by greed. People wanting more money, power, land...I often wonder if people are happy. Once they get what they want. When they exceed last months profit margins, When 100's are dead, When they have turned kids out of their youth hall in order to make way for a luxary hotel. Are they happy? Are they thankful for all that they have? All that they have achieved?

To try and change the way people think, the things people find value in would be an impossible task. We live in a materialistic society. Sadly it seems that the days when you could be 'successful' without having the desire to work your way up the career ladder, earn a 6 figure sum, own several cars, go on expensive trips...

I think that some people can fear not being successful, not being popular, not being rich...but there are so many limitations to wealth!

Money can buy medicine, but not health.
Money can buy a house, but not a home.
Money can buy companionship, but not a friendship.
Money can buy entertainment, but not happiness.
Money can buy food, but not an appetite.
Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.
Money can buy a crucifix, but not a saviour. (Anon)

I think it is important to remind ourselves that such things are temporary. Wanting does not lead to contentment, only disappointment that we don't always have what we want. We will not be content/fulfilled until we are happy with what we have. When we are thankful for what we've got.


You are alive!
You live in a physically beautiful world.
You have greater freedom and more secuirty than the majority of people in the world.
You have friends and family that DO care about you...

...What are you thankful for?

Saturday, November 24

Thursday, November 15

Children In Need

If anyone reads this and will be near Durham tomorrow. Pop into Mildert JCR and eat some cakes, play some games, and just generally have some fun!!

Fundraising Fete for Children In Need...

♥Lucky Dips


♥Cake and bake Stall

♥Twister Tournament

♥Guess the number of sweets in the jar

♥Cryptic Quiz

♥Pin the Patch on the Pudsey

♥Scratch and match Pudsey

♥Celebrity baby picture competition

♥Face painting

♥DUCK Cocktails

♥Fancy Dress

There will be a table set up outside the JCR with a few games and cakes from 2pm, the main event will start in the JCR from around 5pm...

'buzzz buzzzz buzzz buzzzz buzzz'

Sorry, that was me being a busy bee!!! I have had a jam packed couple of weeks. In a way I shall be glad when this weekend is over...So much to organise and do!

I went away to Knock in the Lake District last weekend for a CU houseparty. It was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I helped cook for 60 people. Which was a task and a half!! I really hate preparing vegetables, but vegetables did I prepare!!! It was really good opportunity to get to know some of the newer members of CU and strengthen friendships I already had.

I go away to Whitby tomorrow with my church, which I am really excited about (and terrified about at the same time!). I am helping organise the young children, hehe, I get to make things for a few hours!!!! Talk about being in ones element!!!

In the meantime I have been putting the finishing touches to tomorrows Children in Need event. Me and VIcky have had a mean fete organising that one but it should be ACE all going well!! Must 30th batch of biscuits should be ready!! (only joking, it's only the 25th)

Hope to speak soon!!

Thursday, November 8

One of my top 5 favourite movie scenes!!

Don't forged aboud id!! You just gotta watch it!!

Wednesday, November 7

The Barber...

Setting: a small rural community... so small in fact the only church in town is a small Baptist Church whose pastor must also double up as the local barber to make ends meet.

There happened to be a man in this small community who had invested wisely and was enjoying his new-found comfort. This man got out of bed one day to go through his daily routine. He looked into the mirror as he was about to shave and decided "I make enough money now... I don't have to shave myself. I'll go down to the barber and let him shave me from now on." So he did.

He walked into the barber shop and found the preacher/barber was out calling on the shut-ins. His wife, Grace, said "I usually do the shaves anyway... Sit down and I'll shave you." So he did.

She shaved him and he asked, "How much do I owe you?" "$25", Grace replied. The man thought that was somewhat expensive and that he may have to get a shave just every other day. Nonetheless, he paid Grace and went on his way.

The next day he woke up and found his face to be just as smooth as the day before. No need for a shave today, he thought to himself. Well, it was a $25 shave.

The next day he again awoke to find his face as smooth as a baby's bottom. "Wow!" he thought. That's amazing, as he normally would need to shave daily to keep his clean shaven business look.

Day 3 he woke up and his face was still as smooth as the minute after Grace had finished. Now, somewhat perplexed, the man went down to the barber shop to ask some questions.

This particular day the pastor was in and the man asked him why his face was as smooth as it was the first day it was shaven.

The kind old pastor gently retorted, "Friend, you were shaved by Grace... and once shaved, always shaved."

Sunday, November 4

Stop the world...

...I want to get off.

Thursday, November 1