Thursday, December 27

Darlington 1, Rotherham 1


I went to watch a footie Match yesterday with my Dad, Grandad, and two sisters.

It was good to see the new stadium, they even provide a student ticket which pleased me somewhat!!

...was freezing though and after queuing for the 15 minutes of half time, they had ran out of hot water so I couldn't get my tea (gggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)!!!!

And contrary to what my sisters says/thinks. Darlington are as s**t as they ever were!! Couldn't give the ball away fast enough!!

Monday, December 24

Happy Christmas (for tomorrow...obviously!)

Well. As I have no intention and probably no time to switch on my computer tomorrow I am wishing you all a Merry Christmas now. I hope you have an amazing time and don't get to caught up in the unfortunate commercial side of things.

I am seriously excited!!! It feels like I have been waiting for this day for a very very long time.


Arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Everything inside is bubbly!!!!!!

Sunday, December 23



Hehe. I am a littleeeeeeeeeeeee drunk!

Lol. What can I say>

I have spoent the evening with the stupidest person on the planet. What are those almonds covered in sugar called?> SUGARED ALMONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Whats a baby sexer>??> (yes we have odd conversations…or subjects broached. We were discussing gary glitter.) That one was kind of self explanatory? Or so I thought? I am presuming things?

I think. It is. Maybe. Bedtime?

It is NEARLY CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!!!!!!! Is NEARLY hereeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hahahahaha

Oh. A very importsnt message to all Bob Lovers. His song is WRONG. WRONG! It makes no sense at all. AT ALL. Think about it. The nile, niger, conga (to name a few) are some of the worlds biggest rivers. BIGGEST. EVER!!

Ha. Ha to you BOB. Sir or not. HA

Saturday, December 22

What a crap day

Ever had one of those days? Wished you'd stayed in bed?

Gah. Today has been...a struggle to say the least. And to make matters 'worse'. The only thing that I have been looking forward to allllllllllllllllllllllllllll day was cancelled!! I had tickets for the cinema. But we couldn't make it as the car battery decided to go flat. Only it didn't sound flat. It wouldn't even turn over. Was weird.

I'm going to bed. Then I can start again tomorrow.


Friday, December 21

He's behind you...

...yup, it's that time again!!

This years pantomime was sleeping beauty. The story line was pretty shoddy!! But the evil/bad/gothic/whatever fairy was amazing! I loved her character and role and 'house'...hehe...she's my new role model!

Thursday, December 20

Ever just wanted to scream?


I did.

Wednesday, December 19

6 days!!

Lol...just a week today- and it will all be over!! The vastly awaited, prepared for, excitment building time of year will have been and gone. Christmas will not come for anotehr 366 days (yup 2008 is a leap year). It's strange how everything that takes a lot of planning, thought, preparation is all over in hours, minutes, seconds...

Ah well...I'm still excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Get Your Free Christmas Countdown

Tuesday, December 18

200th Post!!!

Well, I felt that it being my 200th post I should make something of it. Due to this I have been trying to think of something really cool and amazing to write (not that anyone is bothered anymore). But I give up. So here it is. My 200th post!! Now I can continue writing random crap.

Back in Darlo now...I miss Durham...