Saturday, June 17

Last week... :-(

As I havn't posted for a while I thought I would take this opportunity to bore all of you! HeHe...

Havn't really been upto much this week...Uni is really rather full of nothingness once exams are finished! just spend time playing frisbee or some other fantastic sport! (I know crazy to hear that from me), watching football or some other kind of sport, sleeping, or drinkng...not necessarily in that order!!

I can't believe that my first year of uni is nearly over...just need results then can kind of forget about it...academically anyway! So much has happened and I've changed so much...this really has been a fantastic experience!

As uni is nearly means that I've soon got to leave people...for THREE months! That's waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long! I won't even get chance to see some people again, so It's time to make the most of my last week!!

I start my last week rather tiredly as didn't get to bed until late...:-S...and was kept awake by 'nasty ball goers' playing cricket outside of my window!! Mental!

Ok...almost time for brunch!

Speak soon peeps!