Tuesday, August 22

The Legend of 'The Giant's Causeway'

Finn MacCool was the giant who lived on the North Coast of Ireland. He had a great rivalry with Benandonner across the sea in Scotland. After a dispute about their respective fighting ability, Finn grabbed a rock a threw it towards Scotland issuing a challenge to settle this claim. Benandonner responding with another rock, saying he could not swim. Finn MacCool then tore slabs of volcanic rock from the plateau around him to pave a causeway to get across to his rival, the remains of which are the Giant's Causeway. When Finn saw Benandonner he realised that he had misjudged his size, he was huge! Finn returned home...

Benandonner accepted the challenge, came across the causeway and entered Finn MacCool's house to find the comparatively small (by giant standards) Finn dressed as a baby. Benandonner picked up the 'baby', whereupon Finn bit his rival's hand and chased him back to Scotland, pelting him with clumps of dirt and 'ripping' up the causeway. Legend has it that one of these clumps left a hole in the Irish land (a hole now filled in as Lough Neagh), but this missed its target and landed in the Irish Sea to become the Isle of Man.

...is one explanation of the formation of the wonder of the Giants Causeway...

However, this is greatly insulting to me as a geographer and a human being!! The actual formation of the causeway was a volcanic intrusion into the earths crust. When the magma was intruded (during the tertiary period) rapid cooling occured causing major contractions in the rock. When the rock cooled, fractures occured forming the 40,000+ columns. The hexaganol shape can't really be explained...it is just a force of nature, however not all of the columns are hexaganol, some have more/less sides. As unbelievable as it may seem, NO HUMAN activity caused the formation of this amazing geology. We should just be glad that nature formed such a breath taking sight.

It is entirely up to you which 'theory' you decide to believe...but sometimes things have a bigger impact when they can't be explained!! Hehe...


vix said...

Hellooo- got your email, now worries re: bill to Paul.

Gd to see you last night, was fun! x

Katita said...

maybe people just couldn't understand the geography technicalness and so thought of a nice little story instead! lol.

Emmie-lou said...

Lol...ggggggrrrrrrr to all the arts students out there!!

Andrew_tM said...

Historically there is evidence that the Giant's Causeway story is true.

Emmie-lou said...

See note above re: Arts Students!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell are u on about...geology ? ...that sounds like some crazy foregin talk to me.

Ed said...

Jesus, how can you say that the Giants Causeway was formed by so called "geological events". Where did the story come from then? It's insulting to me as a "Human Being" that you're belittling an Irish Landmark in this way. Huh! Geology, isn't there a medal in the Special Olympics that?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was the study of girl parts?

Anonymous said...

Well of course it's not true Dumb-ass. Do you think you're the first to figure that out? Next on the itinerary: The North Pole, to tell the world that Santa doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Mr Anonymous...you think you're so clever yet you won't identify yourself...study of girl parts? Well you must be a girl because you have no balls. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

kevelme said...

I was just there in May of 2007, of course the cover of Led Zep's "Houses of The Holy", the one with the pubescent young lass laying across some rocks, is modeled on the Giant's Causeway. It's true ... y'all could lookit up! You can also see the tip of "Mull of Kintyre", a body of land jutting out of the Scottish coast. which Paul MacCartney wrote a song about in his "Wings" days.

So all the history aint old.

Anonymous said...






















