Wednesday, February 14

February 14th

Well this you all know is famous for Genetics as today is the anniversary of Dolly the sheeps death.

R.I.P Dolly

...You will be sadly missed by the Welsh and British alike!! Hehe

Yes I realise it is St Valentines Day as several thousand years ago St Valentine had a feast... but I don't understand why that has lead to lots of sickly sweet couples giving each other meaningless gifts?? I know you're probably think I'm just a really bitter singleton...but really what is it all about?? Has the day of sending of mass produced heart shaped cards, expensive flowers, giant teddy bears, and lots of chocolate really developed due to Geoffrey Chaucer??

Approximatly 1 Billion cards are sent each year...that could account for around 1/6 of the Worlds population sending a card??!! Of those cards sold 85% are bought by women! This could suggest that 70% of cards sent are NOT replied to!! Why do it to yourself?? Unrequited love is bad enough at anytime of the year...never mind on 'thee day for all lovers'!

Gggggrrrrrrrr...I fear that we are becoming more Americanised each year...continuoulsy making a big deal of 'Hallmark Holidays' such as Today, Halloween, and holidays that actually had meaning such as Easter, Christmas, and Mothers Day are becoming more and more commercialised and the initial meanings are being forgotten.

Ggggggggrrrrrr to the people that have caused this to happen. Maybe you should ask yourself a question next time you recieve a gift off someone. What day is it? I hope you are happy and feel all warm inside after recieving a gift from your loved one because society told them to buy it.

Love to all that have love, and to all that have yet to find love. No hearts, flowers, or candy. Just because I want to give it.