Saturday, March 3

To be or not to be...??

Today my two faces finally met, and I had a decision to make :-S. Yup, My Team aka Liverpool played my secret team Manchester United. You would not believe the trauma that this 'simple' game of football caused. I was in complete turmoil! Do I continue to 'show my support' for the team that I have always said I have or do I cheer for the players I actually know?? Unfortunately or maybe fortunately this turned out to be a relatively simple decision as watching Liverpool for the first time since Owen left (not necessarily true but you get the idea...) I realised that they are almost a team of cheating, diving, appealing b******s. I was not impressed. I also found myself cheering when Man U played well, Van De Sar saved an attempted goal, and when Man U finally scored a goal. I think that these situations can hit us a lot in everyday life. So many people 'play up' to people. Not necessarily lying or being deceitful or malicious but simply forcing interest or agreeing with people on subjects that they don't agree on or...the list is endless. I think it can be somewhat amusing and potentially traumatic when the two sides meet. It is then that we must make up our minds and get off the fence. I'm not sure how much people like that. Hmmmm...