Tuesday, May 15

Exams (I may as well jump on the band wagon!!)

Well, I havn't posted properly for aggggggggggggggges. That's mainly because I havn't really done anything for agggggggggggggges. At least not anything to mention on here. I have spent the past week preparing for my exams (well exam) and will plod along until my last on 31st May (ggggrrrrr...could it BE any later??!!). Yesterday was my first :-S It was awful... But onward and upwards. Things can only get better!! I can't believe that an academic account of the whole year pretty much boils down to 4 exams...I dislike exams. They do not show my best. How can tehy show anyones best? They are really an example of how much you can remember...so not fair!!!!

Hmmmmm...on a more interesting note. My cupboard door fell down during the night. Scared me a little. I held it up for most of the time...tired arm!! Lol.