Friday, June 1

They think it's all over... is now!! (Hmmmm...I think i use [...] far too much??) Hehe. Yup, that's right. My exams have ended!! I would say it feels great, fantastic, amazing, such a relief. doesn't. Too be truthful it feels no different. I just have no work to do again. All in all they seemed to go fairly smoothly, I don't think there was any exam that I couldn't at least make an answer up for..but I guess I won't know how well I've done for a few weeks... :-S ...roll on June 19th!!

Anyhoo...I would write a thrilling and exciting update of my wonderous life, but it's late, I'm tired, and I can't be bothered. I now away to my bed and plan to sleep for a good few hours. I'm sure I will be up for tea!!

Adios amigos