Saturday, September 29

Full House!

Yey. The first of my remaining housemates are due to arrive within the next 10 hours!!! And I should have all of them here by tea time!!! I am feeling very optimistic about this year. I can't believe it's my fianl year (of my degree anyway...) and I am positive it is still going to be fun!!!

Thursday, September 27


Well I am one fan of nature...but I'm not a particually big fan when it occurs in my living room. Today there was a very fast waterfall flowing from my living room ceiling, resulting in a rather fine river flowing over the living room carpet. Now me and my housemate have the lovely problem of dealing with lots of very soggy towels, electrical equipment, and drying out our carpet. Oh it's all fun fun fun!!

This has been a rather odd week. Probably my first emotional rollercoaster for a while. I don't like the stress that emotions seem to cause. It would be nice to be able to switch off ones feelings once in a while, it would definitely make life a lot less complicated!!!! But I guess we have to remember that without negative, how would we measure positive?

Monday, September 24

The blogging world

It would seem to me that the blogging world is not what it was. I remember a time that after not using the internet for a day or two I would have several posts to catch up on from numerous bloggers. Now it seems that people don't make the time to blog of feel blogging is irrelavent. People barely update from one month to the next. I like catching up with people by the exciting stories they can make up. The way people can make a mundane task such as washing up sound like hours of fun amuses me. Where have you gone bloggers of the E-world???? Yes, I realise that Without a blog, the stars roar, the girl smiles, the cloud moves. Without a blog, the tides change, the boys run, the oceans crash. The crowds roar, the days soar, the babies cry, without a blog. The moon glows, the river flows, the breeze warms, Life goes on. Life does go on. But they do make life a little more interesting at times. Plus it's a good way to hear about what friends are upto when you can't actually be with them.

Maybe I just need to have something more exciting to be thinking about?

Wednesday, September 19

They think it's all over... is now!

Today is my last day at work. :-( I have to admit I am a little sad, I have made numerous friends here and had a lot of laughs! But that's the end of my summer and I must return to Durham and start the next chapter. I have a new house and a new set of housemates (Yey!- the last lot were awful!! :-P).

Life is full of comings and goings, whether it be people, objects, homes.... We must learn to embrace these, make the most out of every situation, cherish the memories we make, and learn to accept the losses.

Then, at last, we may be content.

Wednesday, September 5

Lol...everyone look on in awe!!

Yup. I went to an allotment AGM yesterday. I am the definition of cool!!!!! It has to be one of the most amusing things I have witnessed in a long time!! Lots of grumpy old men arguing over the size of a lawn mower and discussing drainage ditch lengths!! I learnt a few names by the end...Brian was especially grumpy and p****d everybody off!! My Dad has an allotment, not me, in case you thought I had gone completely crazy! I don't like soil...(unless it's very old and maybe an odd colour). I accompanied him to his meeting. He seems quite keen on his allotment. I think it's place of solitude. It's his and only his. So I think he should get as much encouragement as possible! So I shall endeavor to attend as many pub meetings as possible :-D

Hope everyone is ok!!