Sunday, November 23

The Boy and the Starfish

A man was walking along a deserted beach at sunset. As he walked he could see a young boy in the distance, as he drew nearer he noticed that the boy kept bending down, picking something up and throwing it into the water. Time and again he kept hurling things into the ocean.

As the man approached even closer, he was able to see that the boy was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time he was throwing them back into the water.

The man asked the boy what he was doing, the boy replied,"I am throwing these washed up starfish back into the ocean, or else they will die through lack of oxygen. "But", said the man, "You can't possibly save them all, there are thousands on this beach, and this must be happening on hundreds of beaches along the coast. You can't possibly make a difference." The boy smiled, bent down and picked up another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied.

"I made a difference to that one!"

~Author Unknown~

Monday, July 28

I'm so disappointed

The 3 most cutting words...EVER!

Monday, July 14

Has officially ended. :(

I have access to such e-mails no more. This means that I have actually left Durham University. It's a sad day.

Monday, July 7

Saturday, July 5

How lonely am I? Very. Today has been a crap day and it had an even shittier end. Oh how fun the wonderful world is.

I am hoping that I may have my faith restored in humanity tomorrow (the facebook messgae was almost enough but not quite).

How I hate hypocrites, which I know means that I must hate myself...but I can't see myself so I can't complain about me. Not that I should complain about others. I just hate how they can make you feel. Sometimes by doing nothing. But mostly by doing something. I might go on retreat. Then people can't get me. Can't hurt me. But then I guess I would just feel crap because they weren't there? I guess you can't ever win.

Oh joy.

Sunday, June 29

They think it's all over... is now!

I have finished my degree. Graduated. And now I'm back at home. But it's not the end, it is merely a new beginning...

...for a funny story about me (if you're THAT bored, see my other blog [I posted on the wrong one])

Thursday, June 12

I have a CAR!!

My very own car...

...enough said.

Sunday, May 25

If only

Why didn't Germany do this performance last night! It wouldn't have been as scary. I'm still not quite sure the blonde one can sing though...

Wednesday, May 7

Sun is shining...

...revision is good.

I am utterly shocked at the weather of late. I hope this means that England will finally be in for a (well overdue) good summer!

Argh...exams start next monday. I hate revision. HATE. It's sooooooooo dull!

P.S Did you know that it is a legality in some areas to have both your blue lights and siren on when driving to an emergency at night time- even if there is little or no traffic. Ambulances always turn their siren off before reaching the hospital, if they leave it on it's to signify that they need extra people to help with teh emergency...

Saturday, April 26

Hey Jude...

korean baby singing hey jude

This is brilliant!! Thanks Tim :D

Thursday, March 27

A day at the races

Today I've been at Redcar racecourse, watching horses race...usual thing at a racecourse I guess but I have also spent a number of hours at Redcar racecourse at their carboot so not necessarily a given! We were given money to bet on each race...and I won once!! Hannah won one race, and won less than her bet had cost!! Was amusing!! was snowing pretty much all day though!! Even got caught in a blizzard at one point!

Saturday, March 22

F*****g Fish

Why do people ask your opinion and then get offended if you ever give it??
If they don't want it, then don't ask. I mean if you're asking for an opinion, you are potentially exposing yourself to a different view. If you want someone to agree with find a pet or a stone or a doormat. Something that won't disagree with you! Just because I have an opinion that is different to yours, it doesn't mean I'm right. I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm not asking you to immediately change your opinion. I'm not asking you to understand my side. I am just answering your question. I would think that when we're all grown ups, you would at least be at the stage in which you understand that people have different thoughts and feelings and beliefs and values. People do differ, but that doesn't have to be a terrible thing...

Monday, March 17

Money Launder...

Hehe...I somehow managed to wash a £5 note in my trouser pocket!!! Which was very nice to find today :-)

Thankfully money doesn't clean, however it was slightly rusty!!

Vanity Lair

What is the world coming to?? I caught my sisters watching a new reality TV program yesterday. 'Vanity Lair' You get picked to enter the 'lair' according to your physical attractiveness!! How awful is that??? And what is the point??

Saturday, March 15


Now I have to make a decision.

Friday, March 7


Life is crap. But then we get over it...


Saturday, February 23

Sausage Sandwiches

I have become rather fond of the sausage sandwich of late and as I havn't blogged for a while I shall take this opportunity to tell you all so.

Hmmmmm...been an odd week. Dissertation is pretty much there! Yey!! Just an abstract and acknowledgements to write.

Hope all is well!

Sunday, February 10

Place your hands ON ridiculous is Emma...

Here are the song lyrics to one of my favourite songs, not an UP in sight...

Reef: Place your hands

Oh place your hands, on my hope,
Run your fingers through my soul,
And the way that I feel right now,
Oh Lord it may go.

So place your hands, on my hope,

Run your fingers through my soul,
And the way that we feel right now,
Oh Lord it may go.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x4)

You know you cannot hide, from what's inside,
You know you cannot hide, from what's inside.
So I ask of you to help me through,
I ask of you this thing to do.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x2)

So lay me down, for a while,
Join my body with my mind,
And I cried at the Common One,
For weeks aft' he died.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x4)

And the way that we feel right now,
Oh Lord it may go

[these lyrics are found on]

Wednesday, February 6

Catch up...

Had a good few weeks back in Durham. Have 'finished' my dissertation! Whoop whoop! Played lots of pool. Drank lots of beer and gin! Made and drank lots of tea (hmmmm...tea is addictive!). Been to 3 formals and played lots of games!! It's been a fun term so far, even with the work!

Been home this weekend was my sis's 18th birthday! Was fun, saw loads of people! Was weird!! Had some good food and good company.

Well that's it!

Hope all is well

Friday, February 1



My dissertation is due exactly 4 weeks tomorrow! *Gulp*

It's going ok though. Over 8,000 words and only 8 pages too long so far...

I need sleep. But I seem to have become addicted to writing...

Wednesday, January 23

Mr Napkin Head!!!

There's someone I'd like you to meet!! Lol...tis childish I'm sure!! But it makes me giggle...


Tuesday, January 22


Has been a lot better than yesterday.

Enough said

Thursday, January 10

Wednesday, January 9

PS I love you...

Why are boys so cynical??? Can't they let us have our silly romance for even 5 minutes????

If you are a girl or a guy whos not so wrapped up in a macho image. Go see teh film. It's lovely :-D

Monday, January 7

Oh dear oh dear

What's the world coming to?? I have just ordered dominoes!! CRAZY!!!!!!!!

But mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...texas BBQ is A M A Z I N G


Why? I have never been so angry. My Mam hates liars...she can't abide them. There is nothing worse to her. I quote. Then why? Why am I being persecuted for telling the truth??? Why?? He asked a direct question and I answered? What is everyone's problem?? Argh.

Friday, January 4

Meet the Natives!

LOL!!! I have been watching this amazing show!!! It's hilarious. IT's about a tribe from (I think Tanna...something like that) Vanuatu. I have found it brilliant to see their naivety and pure innocence. Having never seen a trampoline, KFC, or a dump! They were very grateful for these new experiences, and to have an insight into how our world works. They have been disgusted at some of the things they have seen. They were at Manchester at one point, they couldn't understand why people kept pets and paid for their upkeep, vets bills, and trips to the poodle parlour when there were homeless people living on the street. They can't understand why such a wealthy county with numerous empty buildings can't provide a home for everyone. I guess part of me would agree with them. But I don't know a lot about the subject so I won't delve any deeper. But all in all I have found watching those 5 men great. Their love and childlike nature for new things has been inspirational! And their...I guess 'simple' attitude to life should be taken on board by us. There is far too much need for 'things' in this country. Your own things. Everyman for himself and all that jazz. Nobody seems to care anymore. How many of your neighbours do you know? When I was younger I knew everybody living at my end of the close. Now I don't know anyone who lives more than 2 doors away. It saddens me a little. The tribe knew everyone in theirt village! If anyone needed a new house, they would all build a new one... We have become far to focused on our busy lifestyles. Working endless shifts to make money in order to by the 'necessities!', communicating by internet!, simply not wanting to know about have too many problems of your own. I have been involved in several charity events in the past, usually through school and I have been amazed at how many people will quote 'charity begins at home'. What charity? Money to pay for your 14th pair of shoes? A new christmas outfit? 4 tins of sweets for christmas? Time to watch all the soaps that you hate anyway on your massive tv? Time to browse the shops and spend all the money you don't have? I don't really know what I'm getting at here. I seem to have rambled...but I guess it's just made me think, even with all our wealth, facilities, technologies... Who really is the 'less fortunate'?

Thursday, January 3

