Friday, March 31


Well today hasn't really began today...however I've got a busy day ahead and don't know if I'll get chance to leave a post later!

In case you are wondering and worried about my lost day...I found it...It had ran forward a couple of weeks and was hoping to trip me up by providing and extra wednesday then!! Luckily I found it in that would have been a disaster!

Anyway...I got up fairly early today...10.30...and have cleaned the house through and through with my sister...kinda a spring clean I guess (very interesting I'm sure)!

This afternoon I plan to do revision...and lots of it!...need to catch up for this week! Plus going out for lunch with my mam...I've had no dinners (i.e lunch for those of you who cant speak the local talk!) at home this week!!!

Wow...this blog is dull!! Sorry!!

Got to go...22 days left!

P.S My sisters have broken up for easter...therefore my silence is officially broken...sympathy please!!

Thursday, March 30



It would appear that I have lost a day...

The day can be described as 'Wednesday' the picture below shows named day.

The day apparently occurred yesterday, therefore, making today 'Thursday'.

However, I was currently experiencing 'Wednesday' until corrected by a very firm source that today is infact 'Thursday'.

It is imperitive that such day is found as my entire clock will be out for the remainder life.

Thank you for your help.

Please send any details of the lost day to: -

Emma Walden
The Institute
Sych place

Republished: Happy Thursday!!!

(Not Wednesday as wished before-however Happy Wednesday for yesterday)!!

Today has been a fantastic day! I successfully arose by 6.45...yes you read right 6.45-thats a.m!! I managed to catch earlier trains and buses and subsequently arrived to work early...I love that feeling! Today I have learnt a lot...lifting, coat applying, feeding and a FREE pub lunch thrown in for good measure seem adequate lessons for one days work!

The sun had put his hat on in time for my return home and for the first time ever I actually appreciated a train journey! I waved at my house (Durham), saw some new baby lambs... some scare-crows (I didn't think they really existed nowadays), and shared my neighbours first ever train ride!! It was thoroughly enjoyable!

Now, a little revision before tea...

...23 days people!...


Wednesday, March 29

Caramel Shortcake...

I just thought I would join in the craze...and show you the caramel shortcake I just ate!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it was delicious! today? I got up very early...half past NINE!!!! Havn't really done much today though! Tested my mam on her Eurovision talents (long story!!) and went into town again with my Dad to pay some bills...

Planning to have my hair cut today...will get rid of the rats tails according to me mother! Might post you a picture later to show you the new look!

Have fun everyone...

...24 days!


Tuesday, March 28

Just for the fun of it...

I just thought I would say Hi...just for the sheer hell of it as I have not found myself up at this time as yet (at home and on the computer anyway!). So HELLO world...its very dark!!

Banks...who'd have them!!

Argggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh...Why are banks such con-artists...and why do they never tell you straight! I'm not impressed with the service that they are providing and considering I am their potential future you would expect them to give me a little better service!

Anyway...enough of the negatives...I've actually done something today. I've been into town with me dad, had lunch, and done a little bit of job searching...

That seems fair enough I think...I'm planning to spend the rest of the day doing some lovely revision...I may as well finish off making my Geology notes that I had a very good crack at yesterday....all very boring really!!

Anyway...25 days left!

Bye Bye!

P.S Men are more trouble than they are worth...don't do it to yourselves...

Monday, March 27

Silence is GOLDEN!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...I've finally got the house back to myself!! I've had a crazy weekend...bit of an emotional roller-coaster!!

Well last night (today-after midnight) I actually started some work!!! All hail me!!! I'm reading a rather interesting book called 'El Nino''s actually kinda like a story book...not made up but written in continual prose as appose to usual text book set out. It has already given me some rather interesting facts regarding the Titanic!! For example...the Titanic was forewarned by another ship re the icebergs...however...the Titanic message getter was more concerned with sending out another message and overlooked the warning!! Hmmmmm...I bet hes feeling pretty shit!

Anyhoo...If you want to learn the book!

26 days to go...


Sunday, March 26

Happy Mothers all who are mothers...or to all mothers of those who read this!

Today has been a good day...except for the minor exception of the clocks going forwards (remember 'spring forward, fall back') and me losing an hours sleep...I'm sure everyone knows what I am like in the morning and today was NO exception...

Made breakfast for me mam...well hannah did as she forgot to wake me...then gave presents and then took her for a meal...was very nice but rather filling!! We then spent the afternoon playing on the PS1...her choice!! Honestly!

Now plan to scavenge for more food...might chance last nights pizza...hmmmm...should be ok.

Anyhoo...speak soon people...

Remember...only 27 days left!

Saturday, March 25

DotDotDot DashDashDash DotDotDot

Aaarrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on HP No 6...(No-not the sauce!)

Well, what a day...

Today hasn't been a very good day...and I've only been awake for six hours of it...(had a late night finishing Harry Potter).

I havn't really done much...did plan to go into town but with little money it's just depressing...had the delightful pleasure of enduring a weekly food shop with my mam...and then walked to a local shop with my sister and got caught in a down pour of rain...

Anyway...back to more exciting stuff!! I finally finished Harry Potter- The order of the phoenix...It was good...was a little disappointed with the ending (sirius did not have to die...why didn't harry find the mirror thing sooner??) however am still an avid fan of the books and can't wait to read the next!

Ok...back to Ice Age peeps...enjoy the rest of your day!

***28 days to go***

Friday, March 24

I Like Rain...

Today has been uneventful...almost anyway...

After a very tiring day yesterday...I decided that I should get an early at half one (oops) I finally managed to put down HP (i'm nearly finished and its at that 'must read' stage!) and go to sleep. Hmmmm that was an interesting report!!

I have been for a walk today (Tim you should be proud) the wasn't a very long walk as I wasn't enjoying the rain as much as I usually do (I like the rain!)

Life seems so dull here compared to university...nothing seems to ever happen...ever...FACT! I even took pleasure in tidying my tidy room last it is exceptionally tidy and organised and I have nothing more to do!!

I think I'm just gonna have to brave it and...(drum roll)...start revision...

...only 29 days left to go...


Thursday, March 23

All Hail Criminals!!!

Yey...after several weeks I have finally had my stolen digital camera replaced!!...And have gained £100 in cameraworthiness in doing thank you robber man!!

Have been back to school today...not my school...the one I work at. Had a fantastic day...there's nothing quite like working with the disabled to broaden the mind and remind us of what we take for granted...(no need for any more of tim's lectures!). Even played sport this afternoon...that was fun! (may have something to do with the fit P.E teacher though... :-S)

Just wanted to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very special person. Hope you have a great day Vicky...and did you get my text?? I wanted to be the first!!

Ahhhhhhh...must tired yet so high!!

Going for tea now...Have fun...only 30 days left!

Wednesday, March 22

I hate being ill...

Feeling much better this morning after my exceptionally shitty evening...but I won't go into that in great detail...

I am planning yet another day of nothingness (for recovery purposes only!!). must get quite boring reading peoples blogs...when they have nothing interesting to say??

I shall use day of nothingness to ponder the question...Why is life so complicated? Not jus a little bit a whole lot...I guess we'll all figure it our in the end...and it will be simple...right??


Anyway...will go back to finishing my toast and water...Yummy!!!

Only 31 days to go...

See ya

Tuesday, March 21

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow...

Yey!! There was SNOW when I woke this morning...unfortunatly at 7.30 I thought it silly to go out and play in the snow and when I re-woke (i'm sure thats a word) at 9.30 the snow had already melted...I hope this isnt going to be the basis of my day.

There's something quite strange about snow...I personally find nothing more inviting than untouched snow...yet whenever snow is around I always seem to get cold, wet, and spend my time dodging snowballs!! Should this be considered fun?

Well I had a fun evening last night...managed to catch up with some people, play monopoly (the REAL one), and didn't get home too late.

Today I plan to do nothing...even after making revision plans yesterday...I don't feel too well :-(

32 days to go...


Monday, March 20

Alarm Clocks

No-matter how hard I try and however many plans I make...I CAN NOT get up when I want!!! Why is this? It's not as if i'm not getting any sleep...

This brings me to the important question. Are alarm Clocks useless? Even if they do wake you up, they do not drag the cuvet off and pull you out of bed...i regularly seem to switch off and sleep through mine. Hmmm...

Revision was planned for today...however I've just played online and slept! Ooops...never mind. There is always tomorrow. to go to asda now...some very important people are getting a year older this week.

Only 33 days to go...

Au revoir

This is for Sunday...

Well...yesterday was an interesting day...

I managed to drag myself out of bed by dinner time, had the most wonderful sunday roast (I'm sure food never used to taste this good!!), and then had the weekly family discussion...

Gone are the days when parents actually have a hold over their children...have the deciding vote...this whole 'equals' thing is actually really annoying...I don't mind were we go on holiday as long as they hurtry up and decide so that I can either a) go to bed or b) go online!

Anyhoo...only 34 days left


Sunday, March 19

Ok...bear with me...I'm new to this!!

Today has been an emotional roller-coaster!! One minute you're sad because you have to leave some of your bestest friend and know that you're not going to see them for 5 whole weeks...when on the other hand you are happy as you're seeing your family that you havn't really seen for 8 whole weeks...Dilemma or what! back in Darlo...bored...and missing uni already! And to top it friends won't return until april 7th!!! HARSH!!

Only 35 days to go...
