Saturday, April 29

Sorry it's been so long!

Well, what a busy week! Sorry for the lack of updates...can't seem to find the time! Considering my exams are very fast approaching i have spent very litle time revising! The sun has been shining and the cider has been flowing!!!

We've even had a formal!! I've even provided you with a picture so you can see how great we all look!!! Formals are good!!!

Monday, April 24

Today is Monday

Hey everyone...Hope you've all had a fun day. People seem to be very sensitive today! I don't seem to be able to do or say anything without people taking it wrongly and personally. People STOP READING INTO THINGS!!!

Anyhoo...I am relatively Tipsy and I'm going to stop talking now!

Night everyone!

Back in Durham!!!

Today has been wierd!!! I can't quite believe that I'm actually here! Back at university for the next couple of months! People seem so different and not at all as I remembered them! It feels like we've never been apart yet away from each otehr for a long time at the same time. Think it's going to take a few days to settle in...again!

Anyhoo...tis late and I'm tired. Sleep well everyone!

Saturday, April 22

Back to University TOMORROW!!

I can't believe I've had 5 weeks off! Seems like only yesterday I came back home! And it's official I have done relatively NOTHING!!! Arggghhhhh!!! Exams start in a few weeks and I'm soooo NOT prepared!

Today has been fairly full. I have spent the day preparing for Victorias visit, producing a fantastic meal, been to the butchers to get a joint for tomorrow, and watched 2 very good episodes of Sharpe! Phew...all work and no play...!

Anyhoo...only and hour before my guests arrive so I'd best be off to get myself ready!

Have fun!

Friday, April 21

Thank God It's Friday!

Man...I LOVE that restaurant!!

The days are just dragging by...Probably because I'm so close to going back to university. There's so much to do...pack...collect work...prepare oneself. Yet I still have 1 1/2 days before I return so have to play families for a bit longer! Its kinda like being stuck between two time periods. Not really in either one. I still can't quite believe that this time next week I will be on my way to a lecture!

Today is going to be full of work...right after I've made my kebabs for tea! Mmmmmm!!

Hannah is going today...:-( She's off (thought there was a funny smell! HaHa!) to Flamingo Land with her friend for the weekend and I won't see her again ebfore I leave.

Right...time for work.

Victoria hope you have a good journey. See you in around 30 hours!!
Tim, Andy, etc have a good last day at home! See you in around 48 hours!!

Thursday, April 20

21 years! is my parents anniversary. They have endured each others company for 22 years, thats more than my lifetime and half of my mothers!! It must be LOVE!! HaHa!! Anyhoo...
**Happy 21st Anniversary Mam & Dad**
Love is a rather strange thing...rather one of perspective. People say when you're in love you will know...but what if you think you know and don't. Can you really know that you have found your true love, soul mate, the ONE without meeting every person part of the human race?
Hmmm...anyway...moving onto smaller things...I didn't get my packing started yesterday let alone finished so I plan to commence packing today...see tim, this is why I start gives me plenty of time to procrastinate! I have also prepared a candlelit supper for my parents!
*Yawn* I'm so tired! I havn't managed to get get to bed before 12am for the entire duration of this holiday...this is not good...I only have 3 nights left before returning to university!
Anyway...gtg check chicken!
Bye Bye

Wednesday, April 19

Hat trick!

I can't believe the holidays are nearly over...there's only 3 full days remaining! What should I do with my remaining three days? Considering mam's just ordered the entire series of Sharpe with BONUS video...I think they will be spent watching that!! Work will just have to wait until I get back and have the influence of my coo coo conscience once again!

Today I plan to finish my geology revision and start packing. I must also remember to wrap my parents anniversary present (21 years tomorrow!) and find a card...

...hmmmm...what else to write...These blog things are a good idea when you actually have a life...but can be rather depressing when you don't!

Speak soonish peeps...

Tuesday, April 18

Tuesday today hasn't really started but I'm gonna post neway. I hope nothing interesting occurs within the next 12 hours! after rising at ll i had breakfast...for the second time this week. I NEVER eat breakfast!

Then I spoke to a few people from uni for a while...then went into town!

After returning from town...I did some work!!! Yey for me!

That was an interesting post!

Well adios amigos!

5 days!

Monday, April 17


Well today has been full of...nothingness!!! We had my aunt round today for dinner...She was very tasty!! HaHa...JOKE!! Mam made a full roast...pork, beef, and all teh trimmings (parsnips, carrots, suede, mash potato, roast potato, cabbage, crackling, bread sauce, apple sauce, stuffing, and yorkshire puddings [ homemade- mam was on a mission to get them right as after all what 'yorkshire' born woman can't make proper yorkshire puddings?!])!! It was like a second Christmas...well I guess it is kind of related! I think that Jesus' death is one of very few that is actually celebrated...People say that life should be celebrated and not mourned and Christians seem to have got it right! It is quite strange to think that the death of one person can change the world so much...hmmm...too much thought for such a small mind.

Anyhoo...I seem to have run out of things to say...

I hope everyone is ok...Tim if you still bother to read my blog...leave a message. We havn't spoken for ages!

Not long left...only 6 days (5 to see Vicky! Yey!)!

P.S I have finished reading Harry Potter 6...was good (not in my opinion as good as number 4, but good all teh same) but I was disgusted at the ending! I have also watched 3/4 of the films so I think I can officially call myself a HP fan...and have caught up with all stories! Only took 3 months...not bad though!

Sunday, April 16

Sharpe RULES!!!!

Have spent the day wondering around carboots and enduring a pub lunch!! Was well nice!!! Mam found a steal...5 Sharpe videos for £10!!!! Have just watched Sharpes Eagle! I love Sharpe again...!!!


Will be back at uni this time next week...

Saturday, April 15

I can't think of a title so will write this instead!

Well I've failed...I didn't update my blog yesterday and missed my first day! Oh No!! Not to worry...I'll get over it!

As I won't have much chance to update over the next few days just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter...Eat, drink, and be Merry!! Don't forget the true meaning though!

Speak soon people!

P.S I've managed to endure 4 weeks of my 5 week holiday and do...very little!

Thursday, April 13

The early bird catches the worm!

I've got a pretty full day today and unfortunately it doesn't include work...I'm actually starting to panic now...I have so much to learn and so little time!

Anyway, this morning I'm going into town to pay for my transaction...I can't believe he charges £4 P & P...he only lives the other side of Durham! Then I'm going to my aunties (one of those who is an old best friend of a parent??!!) to see my 'cousins' and eat her homemade lasagne and watch DVD's all day! Should be fun! Havn't seen them for a prolonged period of time for aggggggggeeesssssssssss!!

This evening I'm off out to the Tapas Bar...sooooo nice! With my mam and her friends to help celebrate her birthday! Can't wait! The owner is particularly attractive and teh food is even better...

I see a pattern this day is about food...good food!

Right, got to go get ready, leaving in half hour!

We're down to single digits!! 9 days!

Wednesday, April 12

Michael they come!

I won my tickets...YEY!!! Little more than i would have liked to pay...but yey all the same!

"Today doesn't sound like a Birthday"???!!!

Well for a non-birthday there are a lot of people celebrating getting another year older today (well maybe not in the case of my mam). Warm Wishes are sent to Tim, Paul and Gill (mam).
This morning I got up...(notice not woke) 7am to give my mam her birthday cards (we're doing presents later!) and then returned to bed. When I actually woke up I made a trifle (well jelly so far) and checked the progress of my bid for the sold out tickets! Only 3 hours to go.
I should try and do some work this afternoon but I'm cooking tea and still havn't finished the scrapbook for my mams birthday :-S Ooops!
Anyhoo...gtg...people to do and things to see
10 days!

Tuesday, April 11

Apologies all round!

I must apologise for refering to all the faithful readers of 'Watch this Space' as sad. You are not sad and I can't blame you all for reading my throughly interesting blog!

Ok, apologies aside...I have exciting news! I have finally managed to get hold of a copy of HP 6- The Half-blood Prince!!! Yey for me! I am twelve chapters into at present and loving it! Getting very Dark though, very dark indeed. I'm starting to seriously worry that Harry will die...but there's going to be a seventh book, right? So he can't possibly die... :-S

Have been shopping today...with with men is always interesting I find. Whatever suggestions are made are always too expensive or not good enough quality/value for the price. I find that I rarely return with anything when I've been sg with a guy...

Anyhoo...I've got to go and find some fully booked concert tickets...long story!

11 days remaining!

Monday, April 10

Baking Day!

Wow!! What a busy day!!! I've made two cakes today including a birthday cake for my sisters friend!! I've included a picture so that you can see how fab it is and just how talented I really am!!

The Blue one was delicious!!

Apologies for yesterdays blog. Slight loss of sanity and look what lose your marbles!

Tum ti tum...

Hmmmm...very short blog! Right. Off to do some work now. Have fun everyone!

Ok. Bye sad people who still continue to read my blog!

:-( 12 days to go!

Sunday, April 9


Dilemma was once a its the story of my life.

I've pondered my life a lot over the past week...probably not a good idea but I havn't really had much else to do. I realised that my life seems to have been one dilemma after another. The connecting thing, the thing that has got me through each troubled or untroubled event in my life is my family. I have always ahd teh support and advice of my family whether welcomed or not to help me through.

Now the dilemma is my family and I don't know what to do. It appears that the transition from home to university was not as smooth as I thought and after returning from university this time...I was met with an uncontrolable monster. Half the time people are making comments about life without me and how much easier this is, usually in relation to money and eating habit and whether this is intended as a joke. It is no longer funny. The other half of the time is spent in silence. People don't seem to want to talk to me anymore. This may not seem much of a problem but our house is very loud and we usually have such fun!!!

The biggest dilemma to me is the loss of my best friend. My youngest sister no longer wants to know me. We havn't spoken properly since I got back and even small talk seems unable to occur between us this week. This has upset me significantly because it is beyond my control, I have tried to over come the silent treatment but I am consitently on the verge of tears and get angry or upset at the simplest thing which, is affecting my relationship with other people. I no longer have a hold on the support network, my security, me family, my home.

I had hoped that such problems would solve themself, however after three weeks little solution has occurred whatever has been said or done by me and two weeks today I will be back at university. I'm not sure that this will be resolved by then...I don't know what to do. For the first time in my life...I have no one at hand to turn to.

This hasn't been a good week. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Saturday, April 8

Well done 'Numbersixvalverde'...(talk about a long title!)

Well for all of you who don't participate in the Grand National Numbersixvalverde came first, Hedgehunter second, Clan Royal third, and El desporadum forth. We (well hannah and amy) had backed second and third place so recieve some winnings...Yey!

Havn't done much else today...watched Bridget Jones-the first one...was excellent. Havn't watched it for a long time and had forgotten how funny it was and just how fit Colin Firth is!!! Ohhhhh...Mr Darcy!!!

Am off out now...well in an hour...going to pizza hut with my auntie and sisters. Should be fun...

Anyhoo...will check in again soon!

Bye all

*14 days*

Friday, April 7

An especially long blog...ok maybe not

Hey everyone...

Today I have none nothing, NOTHING!!! ensure that it gets the attention that it needs I plan to write an extremely long blog...full of crap!

I got up very late today, very late! Was nearly 1 'o' clock! And...I slept all the way's the first decent nights sleep I've had since christmas!

Hmmmm...running out of things to say...

Amy made lunch today...had fried potato things and cheesy potato things which were nice and noodles...

This afternoon we are going to the bookies (well I am) to collect some slips for the Grand National tomorrow...I hope you're all participating!! Its FUN!!! Then we're going to the pub for a drink!

End of...

15 days to go...

Thursday, April 6

So much to litle time!

Hey, Just wanted to make a quick post...

I've just got in after leaving the house at 7.11...yup thats twelve hours away from home...soooooo tired but feeling rather happy! And...I've got to leave the house again in 20 minutes...

Have made A LOT of progress on the scrap book's looking good and quite excited to give it to my mam...just hope she doesn't mind us cutting up her photos.


16 days!

Wednesday, April 5

Cutting and sticking...I could be a Blue Peter Presenter!

Mmmmm...met Mam for dinner today and went to Walworth Castle...calvery...delicious! Then we stopped at the ice-cream selling farm on the way back and I endured a scoop of chocolate and choc 'n' hazlenut ice-cream made with real jersey cows milk... in a wafer cone!

Been into town to do a bit of birthday shopping and have decided to make my mam a scrap book of the best times of her life aka since we were born! Its very difficult finding 40 pages worth of pictures! They're all hidden some where! blog doesn't seem very long considering I've done rather a lot today...never mind...

Anyhoo...speak soon.

P.S Halfway there...17 days left!

Tuesday, April 4


I'm so tired...I think I might be coming down with something.

Well today started positively...I actually did some work, however, now I can't concentrate due to the banging, hammering, and sawing coming from down stairs! Dad is trying to fix something to the cooker...

Thanks to the words of a very wise friend and a very emotional episode of SCRUBS I have been thinking about the things that I, myself take for granted. The majority of people don't realise the value of something until they no longer have it (you don't miss the water until it's gone!). This effectively supports the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder"...yet this isn't always the case and surely when it is, it's bad...whats the point of realising how much you needed something when its too late?

In conclusion I have decided that people need to take the time to consider what they have...take the time to sit and ponder life, to be sure that they don't overlook things that they would be seriously unhappy without...of course you probably won't know this until it's too late but try. Try to express your feelings and opinions fully so that nothing is overlooked. Remember to take time with yourself to sit on the grass.

(18 days)

P.S Make the most of life...this isn't a rehersal!

Monday, April 3

A Momentous Occasion!

Today is a very special day! I have introduced/forced two new people to join us in the blogging world!!

Check out their blogs! and



...Why does nothing ever go right for me? Apparently I havn't done any paid work since January...I just travel to Killingworth at 7am on a Thursday morning for the good of my health? Argghhh...its so infuriating...

I didn't sleep very well last night...I have a lot on my mind...I was tempted to go into details on here but I'm not sure I'm ready to take that step yet!'s a very good friends 19th Birthday today so ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE*** hope it's a good one! Don't drink too much, haha.

Right, I'm off to smash some plates, hit a brick wall, etc etc etc

Bye for now

P.S 19 days to go

P.P.S Check it out -very Welsh!

Sunday, April 2

Are the lines on your palm like a map of your personality?

Hmmmmm...I have just had a rather long discussion regarding the strenght of horoscope and palm readings

...are they just stupid made up nonsense helping to pass the time of day? Do they forget about real personality changers such as religion adn science? Post your comments and put your opinion across!

I can see the Sea...!! I have been to the beach...and it rained! There's England for you! Just to prove the true spirt of the british below is a picture showing people on the beach in the rain!

Redcar was very usual, however, I was most upset that my favourite ice-cream shop was closed and I was unable to get a 'Lemon-Top'!

After spending several hours and several pounds at Redcar we returned home and made Easter Cards...

Not an overly full day and no work yet but the day is still young!

Have fun

20 days...

Saturday, April 1


Good Evening people...

What a day...I have been up since 9.30! On a Saturday! I ventured into town this morning to buy Birthday presents and post packages...turns out I havn't been paid (Emma is NOT a Happy Bunny!) so that plan went out the window...

The afternoon has been spent watching Bridget Jones (sorry timmy!) -the edge of reason...not quite as good as the first but enjoyable all the same...after all Hugh Grant and Colin Firth, what more could a girl ask for! and curling my sisters hair...managed to burn my finger on the curling irons...owwwwwww!

As you can see little progress has been made in the revision department today, however, tomorrow looks hopeful.

3 weeks bored!


P.S The L Word rocks!