Friday, July 28

Bye for now...

I'm off on my holipops for a couple of weeks...won't be posting for a while!!


Wednesday, July 26

'Orange Wednesdays'!!

Nothing much to report today...My account at work decided it didn't want to work so have been messeing around with e-mail and protocol all afternoon trying to get it sorted again! The IS Helpdesk are NOT very helpful and even after 4 hours had not done what they said they would so it will have to be sorted tomorrow morning...hopefully...ggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

I am making the most of my orange sim card adn going to see a movie this!! How american of me! I'm gannin to see 'The break-up' with Hannah...looks funny and cute! Should be good.

Speak later peeps...

Tuesday, July 25

As time posts by...

I just had to share the picture of this 'post-it' decorated office in Germany...It is so COOL!!! Post-it notes are cool enough...but this is awesome!! All oooooooooo and ahhhhhhhhh at the amazingness of the post-it!! Sorry to bore you all but I had to post-it!! Hehe...did you see what I did there!!


Nearly there!!

Well I am still going...with this charade!! I have nearly made my centenary- only five posts to go!! As usual I am going to fill this post with numerous amounts of crap that mean absolutely nothing...I guess the blogging world is merely a way to waste time when there is nothing better doing in the real world!!

Today has been ok so far...I havn't been sacked...or killed- which is always a bonus!! I have something to look forward this week so it is making the week a little easier to bear!! Only three (and a half) days left until my holiday...and PAY DAY!!! Yey!! I will not be AS skint as I have been for the past year!! Roll on friday!

Anyhoo...sorry for boring you for aproximately two minutes...I hope you have a great day!

Chow xxx

Monday, July 24


...I am very sorry for my last post...Tchakra has informed me of everybodies are avoiding me...effectively I am writing this for only myself...


Grrrrrr...where is everybody?? You should all be available to entertain me in my lunch hour!! Work has been very bad and busy and boring and bad today. Yes I said bad twice...because I really don't want to be here!! At least I can revel in the knowledge that this time next week I will not be here! I (all being well anyway...) will be sat (or stood) in bonny Scotland, probably drinking rum, and maybe eating haggis!!! Hehe...can't wait to get away...slightly worried how one will cope without tinternet and probably phone signal!!

Anyhoo...enough ranting and day-dreaming for one day!


Sunday, July 23


Hey, I know It's early but I don't think I'll get another chance to post today!! Don't really plan to do much today...Have to collect my holiday clothes together to check they are in full wearing order...will be sat facing the sea this time next week!! (as long as it's not foggy or too thundery anyway!!) I'm also going to look at my house this afternoon...need to check a few things out and generally just want to see it again!! Yey!!

Anyway...hope all is well. Speak soon

P.S My Duck IS cute!!

Saturday, July 22

Arrggghhh...a DUCK!!!

adopt your own virtual pet!

The Weekend!!!

Finally!! It has arrived...and with it NO overtime!! Yey me! I had my first 'lie-in' today since I finished university...that's like 6 weeks!! Yup...I right this undressed and still sleepy!! Hehe...

Yesterday wasn't a bad day...It was Friday and everyone seems ratehr hyper at work on the day leading to the weekend!! There's something about the thought of time away from the office that makes everyone go mad!!

Last night I decided to have a bit of a nothingness session...I watched a chick-flick (Coyote Ugly-LOVE IT!!) borrowed amz footspa to soak my feet, blitzed my room (man it was annoying me- much in need of a clean and tidy!), and then explained why we wil get rain next weekend when we go on holiday to scotland!! Why does nobody understand that even with weeks os are bound to get rain!! Havn't you been to the equator!!

Anyhoo...just wanted to plug a song from an amazing band I have recently been introduced to...

If only songs could come true...

Enjoy. xxx

Thursday, July 20


I am most upset at your reaction to my new pet. The very meaning of my life!!! I need something to providfe me with love and something to love myself. My therapist has recommended it!!! I hope you will continue to be this supportive in the future!! Hehe...only joking...

I thought he was cute though!!

Anyhoo...back at work...adn my neck is killing!! It aches so much...feels like I've been stung by a very large wasp!



Wednesday, July 19

Check out my new pet!!

adopt your own virtual pet!

I know...original name!!

Hope all is well.

Anyhoo...back to work tomorrow!! Speak soonish!

Tuesday, July 18

I hate doctors...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...I hate being sick...usually because it ends with a trip to see the doctor and they never seem to tell you anything good...I have tonsilitus...again. I get it alot. Now the doc has decided that I should get them removed...which is very painful, especially for older people but I guess will be worthwhile in the long run. I do not want a scalpul anywhere near my throat thank you very much!!!

But every cloud has a silver lining and all other relavent cliches...I get to have 2 days off work...granted unpaid...but all the same it's myself...much needed time. I think I was meant to get sort some things out.

So all in all things are good. Katie will be pleased to know!! DAy time TV is good shit...and the sun is still shining!! Life is good!

Sunday, July 16

Picture Post...

A sample of a few balloons...

...and a rather scary owl kite!!

And that's your lot...too time consuming!!!

Sun(burnt) Day

Well...what a scorcher today has been!! It reached 34oC in the car!!! I have spent the day at the a fair/festival thing. There was doody shaped hot air ballons including a guiness can, battery, jar of coffee, globe (my personal favourite...obviously), and a pint of lager!! I went on some very dodgy fairground rides...very nausia inducing...and got sunburnt. All in all it's been a good day. I had a bit of a paddle in the sea, a picnic (sooooooooo NOT romantic) and a lemontop...what more could I want???

Hope all is well with everyone else. Speak soon...

Saturday, July 15

Saturday night and I like the way you move...

Well this morning started as I deserved...with a stinking hangover!! I tried some of my own home remedies to relieve the ache...which was quite successful and made me feel slightly better!! I was in work by 8 and had earned 7 1/2 hours pay by 1pm!! How cool!! Man I love overtime! Can't wait to get paid and actually reap the rewards of my work!

This afternoon brought about a quick trip to the pub and then shopping!! I havn't been clothes shopping for a long I remember why! Everything and anything I tried on looked hideous and yet I still managed to spend my birthday money on several items!!?? I guess I can just be relieved that they don't have communal changing rooms...was bad enough that my mam decided to stay with me!!! I am very shy!!

Anyway...must have food...and need to refil my glass!!

Talk soon people! xxx

Friday, July 14

Got that friday feeling??

No me has been a bad day...I should have known when I had daja vu that it's the day to stay in bed...I seriously did though. I woke up and did the usual panick...'I've slept in...NOOOOOOO!!!' then checked my clock to find it was in fact only 05:53...this was good news as it meant another hours sleep...then I woke again did the usual panick...'I've slept in...NOOOOOOO!!!' then checked my clock to find it was in fact only 05:53...this again was good news as it meant another hours sleep...but then!! It hit me...I had relived the same thing one day...this was very odd and spooked me a ensure it didn't happen again...I just dozed for the next hour then got up for my shower...As it's casual fridays I decided to wear my denim skirt and had to de-fluff a little...and for the first time...EVER...I cut myself...I was not impressed!! Man it can bleed!!! At this point I should have gone back to bed...

...the rest of the day seems a bit of a mad blur but after one thing or another I ended up feeling very low and rather depressed...(I know- what's new??!!)...

I now plan to go and see a friend (she's cooking!! mmmmm) and get very drunk...then get up to go to work again at 7am...oh how life is fun!!!

Smile peeps!!

Wednesday, July 12

Nearly there...

...Welcome to the middle of the working week. It is nearly over...unfortunatly I am working saturday this week so still have 3 days of work remaining...before I get 1...yes off!!! I think the world of work is rather depressing...I mean people actually do this...HAVE to get up every morning of the week...HAVE to go to bed early due to tiredness...HAVE no life!! I don't want to work full time in a dull...ever again!! I don't even have anything to look forward to this weekend...Am going to the cinema tonight though. 2 1/2 hours full of fun...pirates...and Johnny Depp...ooooo rrrrrrrr!!!

Anyhoo...must some phones to answer...forms to unput...usual fun stuff!! Got some actual personal post this morning...delivered to me!! Hehe when thats something to get excited know life is good!

x Mwoah x

Tuesday, July 11

Pear drops, pineapple cubes, and polish people!

Well what a day...yesterday was quite awful...after having very very little sleep over the weekend...and a very unwelcomed visitor I wasn't happy and was hoping for an easy day at work...This is FAR from what I got. I spent the whole day running around...adding forms...checking post (which took 3 hours to open!!! thats how much there was!!)...answering calls...I was very glad to go home at 6 (I was suppose to finish at 5...but had to finish work! 10 hours at work isn't good on low fuel!)!...and just wanted to crash out and sleep by 7!! unplanned visit from a friend in need put a stop to that...I eventually got to bed at 12ish...Man I'm tired!!!

Today has been a much easier day at work...Pineapple cubes and pear drops were brought in by Carolyn...yummy!! I especially love the yellow pear drops!! And I have helped some nice polish people...I am working until 7 :-S but I'm feeling good...and looking forward to sleep tonight!! Noone disturb me please...

Phew...speak soon people!


Sunday, July 9

Happy Birthday!!

:-S Friday was my 20th andf as was very kindly pointed out by Timothy...I am now closer to 40 than birth!!! Waht a great thought!! I am starting to get life is actually I doing anything with it?? Is there a guideline to what you should have achieved...reached...done by a certain age? Is there a guideline to what you should have achieved...reached...done during your life? I always worry that I don't make the most of life..don't grasp opportunites when they are there...don't go through with things...take risks when they are probably worth it. I also worry that I spend too much time thinking about stuff...worrying about things...allowing negative events to control my life more than positive events...

I've had a rather mixed birthday in terms of enjoyment...I've had a fantastic weekend...Katie and Tim came to visit and we pretty much spent the time eating...drinking...and talking. But then I felt bad...becasue not all of the important people were there some of my good friend weren't there to enjoy it with me... and I am responsiblew for that...

Anyway...Happy Birthday to me...

Wednesday, July 5

The middle of the week...

Thursday is in fact THEE middle of the week...but wednesday is the middle of teh working week and that's good enough for me!! Only 2 days left of work...tehn 2 days off...YEY!!!

Monday, July 3

Here we are again...monday. A new day...a new week...of work :-(
I'm quite excited this week though as my week ends with my Birthday...which depsite being my 20th (aarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!) I am looking forward to.

Anyhoo...time to go home...for some food and sleep!! Man this work thing is hard!!

Sunday, July 2


Wow...can't believe how behind I am!! Wasn't sure I'd get chance to post today...

Looking at the positive side though...havn't really had much to post!! Friday I spent at work...saturday morning was spent at which I had the most amazing sandwich by the way!! It was bacon, mushrooms, and black pudding...was really delicious...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I started work at 7.30 and was rather tired!! Anyhoo- try it!!

I went to a poker party last night...we never got round to playing poker!! But never mind...was mucho funo anyway...was good to catch up with some more friends!! I'd forgotten how much fun everyone was!

And today...I have been to redcar...slightly worse for wear!! Didn't get to bed until 4amish?? :-S
Had a little walk...some food...and sun...was good!! This afternoon we (we=me, my mam, my dad, amy, and hannah) went to another scarecrow exhibit...which actually turned out to be a garden exhibit...20 gardens to look at round some village. Those of you who know me and who have a life (sorry for anyone who likes peoples gardens-you do have a life really) can understand that this was mind numbingly dull...and quite tedious in this heat (the car was 29oC!!) and not something I would recommend...only so many roses and pertunias that one can admire!!

Anyway...that is it for the life of Emma for the past few days...not that shabby really!!

Speak soon people...hopefully!

P.S We have a new addition to the blogging world...check it out!