Saturday, March 25

Bring on HP No 6...(No-not the sauce!)

Well, what a day...

Today hasn't been a very good day...and I've only been awake for six hours of it...(had a late night finishing Harry Potter).

I havn't really done much...did plan to go into town but with little money it's just depressing...had the delightful pleasure of enduring a weekly food shop with my mam...and then walked to a local shop with my sister and got caught in a down pour of rain...

Anyway...back to more exciting stuff!! I finally finished Harry Potter- The order of the phoenix...It was good...was a little disappointed with the ending (sirius did not have to die...why didn't harry find the mirror thing sooner??) however am still an avid fan of the books and can't wait to read the next!

Ok...back to Ice Age peeps...enjoy the rest of your day!

***28 days to go***


vix said...

I hate Saturdays. Fact. Harry Potter rocks. Fact. Rain is good. Shops are good. Sleep is good. Having no money is bad. Ice Age is great. 28 days is too long. Look at all those facts. Amazing. Fact.

Emmie-lou said...

Interesting facts!! Off the record...where has FACT come from?? Within our group I mean...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

hmmm who says FACT.....i wonder...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

...dott dash ditt dash dott oops did i publish the first word by itself? darn! I was just practising my morse code.

vix said...

tim est stupide.. oh sorry i was just practising my french...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

lol. ces't super! J'ai faire du velo a la weekende. Et je suis a la aller cine? Cest bon? Je n'aime pas par le france. Oh non. J'habite a la piscine-quelle ou.

vix said...

Ich bin wunderbar! (Nein, nicht Wonderbra, WUNDERBAR).

Enough said.

Andrew_tM said...

Not to be picky, Tim, but you wrote "C'est" twice, and got it wrong both times. Oli wouldn't approve. Fact.

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

i didnt do french. i was just waiting for everyone to laugh at me and allll my grammatical mistakes and general nonsensical speak! where are the comments??

Emmie-lou said...

When in England talk ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vix said...

Or I suppose, when in the USA, Australia, New Zealand...

Emmie-lou said...

Lol...I watched the common wealth closing party thingy the otehr day and was shocked to see how many countries we own (is that right?)