Tuesday, March 21

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow...

Yey!! There was SNOW when I woke this morning...unfortunatly at 7.30 I thought it silly to go out and play in the snow and when I re-woke (i'm sure thats a word) at 9.30 the snow had already melted...I hope this isnt going to be the basis of my day.

There's something quite strange about snow...I personally find nothing more inviting than untouched snow...yet whenever snow is around I always seem to get cold, wet, and spend my time dodging snowballs!! Should this be considered fun?

Well I had a fun evening last night...managed to catch up with some people, play monopoly (the REAL one), and didn't get home too late.

Today I plan to do nothing...even after making revision plans yesterday...I don't feel too well :-(

32 days to go...



vix said...

Wow... there is not even a hint of snow down south... maybe a little drizzle (or mizzle... choose your personal preference...).

32 days, huh? That's still a bloody long time, isn't it...

Oh well. xx

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

there was some snow but not much in harrogate. 32 days may be a long time, but it divides very nicely be 1,2,4,8,16 and 32..what a clever little number

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

emma i think you should go and see a doctor...im worried about you

Emmie-lou said...

You think I should go and see a doctor? A head doctor?? Are you tryin to be funny?? I'm not very well...and have now being sick...

Emmie-lou said...

Been sick...not being...being sick whilst near electrical equipment isn't good...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

no i always remember those ppl who used to come into school-'never play with matches, and more importantly, never throw up near electrical equipment..'

Emmie-lou said...

Lol...with sam the dog??

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

yes...talking of dogs, have u seen the dog which has eaten the top half of someone on vickys blog
personally i find it very tasteless showing such pictures..

Emmie-lou said...

Do you remember sam the dog...noone else does...ah well

Hmmmm...not so sure about vickyspic...might have to report her...

vix said...

HEY!!! That pic is actually not at all what it seems... the trampoline is in fact a keyport/portkey depending on who you talk to.. and my brother is half way through being returned to our garden... hence he is only half there. The dog (her name is Fidge by the way) is completely innocent... ooh a fire engine just went past my house.. unheard of in the sticks...

vix said...

HEY!!! That pic is actually not at all what it seems... the trampoline is in fact a keyport/portkey depending on who you talk to.. and my brother is half way through being returned to our garden... hence he is only half there. The dog (her name is Fidge by the way) is completely innocent... ooh a fire engine just went past my house.. unheard of in the sticks...

vix said...

Oh bollocks, bloody computer send comment twice... sorry!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

no need to repeat urself

Emmie-lou said...

And where exactly was he returning from?? I hope he wasnt seen by a muggle...

Andrew_tM said...

Drizzle and mizzle? Reminds me of a classic weathermap, if I can find the link.

Here it is.

Anonymous said...






















