Sunday, April 9


Dilemma was once a its the story of my life.

I've pondered my life a lot over the past week...probably not a good idea but I havn't really had much else to do. I realised that my life seems to have been one dilemma after another. The connecting thing, the thing that has got me through each troubled or untroubled event in my life is my family. I have always ahd teh support and advice of my family whether welcomed or not to help me through.

Now the dilemma is my family and I don't know what to do. It appears that the transition from home to university was not as smooth as I thought and after returning from university this time...I was met with an uncontrolable monster. Half the time people are making comments about life without me and how much easier this is, usually in relation to money and eating habit and whether this is intended as a joke. It is no longer funny. The other half of the time is spent in silence. People don't seem to want to talk to me anymore. This may not seem much of a problem but our house is very loud and we usually have such fun!!!

The biggest dilemma to me is the loss of my best friend. My youngest sister no longer wants to know me. We havn't spoken properly since I got back and even small talk seems unable to occur between us this week. This has upset me significantly because it is beyond my control, I have tried to over come the silent treatment but I am consitently on the verge of tears and get angry or upset at the simplest thing which, is affecting my relationship with other people. I no longer have a hold on the support network, my security, me family, my home.

I had hoped that such problems would solve themself, however after three weeks little solution has occurred whatever has been said or done by me and two weeks today I will be back at university. I'm not sure that this will be resolved by then...I don't know what to do. For the first time in my life...I have no one at hand to turn to.

This hasn't been a good week. Enjoy the rest of your day.


vix said...

Hey honey,

I think in a way lots of people have found it hard to fit back into their families, as we spent such a long time away, and just as we got used to life away, they got used to life without us.

As to your youngest sister, I do not think that she doesn't want 'to know you'... I think the two of you really need to spend some time together, and talk, reconnect... what you had is still there, you just gotta find it! You've got to re-establish the bonds that you had, and you've got to talk to each other and be honest about feelings, otherwise you will both end up thinking that the other doesn't want to know... when this is just not true!

And you know, I am ALWAYS here for you if you want to talk... email me, MSN me, call me! Okay?

Love you... xxx

wenstumped said...

hey! Believe me I know how u feel. I left home to study as well and everything in your blog sounds so familiar it's almost scary. I've been back home for just over 2 years now and things are pretty much back to how they were before I left if not better. All my relationships seem to have matured even tho I have'nt!! My bro n I were horribly disconnected but we're back to our 'slobber-knocker drive each other insane or die trying' stuff now. Don't be depressed about it and don't try to push it. Things will fall into place as and when they're s'posed to! So chin up tiger!!!
N sorry bout my blogs being sooooo long! Can't help it- it just happens!

wenstumped said...

By the way! I've updated my profile incase U were still curious!

Andrew_tM said...

I'm never the best person to attempt to give any sort of advice whatsoever. But I'm here if you want someone to babble at. I'll even listen and point out grammatical errors in what you've said or pick at any textspeak you've used.

But in seriousness ... (what, that wasn't serious enough?) ... things change. That's rather blunt. There's a latin expression, although I can't remember how it goes exactly in latin ... but it translates as 'times change and we change with them'. Keep it in mind, perhaps it'll help. Perhaps it won't. Hopefully it will.

What a pointless comment from me. So remember the moral of the story. Too many cooks spoil the broth and many hands make light work. Amen to that.

Anonymous said...






















