Sunday, July 2


Wow...can't believe how behind I am!! Wasn't sure I'd get chance to post today...

Looking at the positive side though...havn't really had much to post!! Friday I spent at work...saturday morning was spent at which I had the most amazing sandwich by the way!! It was bacon, mushrooms, and black pudding...was really delicious...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I started work at 7.30 and was rather tired!! Anyhoo- try it!!

I went to a poker party last night...we never got round to playing poker!! But never mind...was mucho funo anyway...was good to catch up with some more friends!! I'd forgotten how much fun everyone was!

And today...I have been to redcar...slightly worse for wear!! Didn't get to bed until 4amish?? :-S
Had a little walk...some food...and sun...was good!! This afternoon we (we=me, my mam, my dad, amy, and hannah) went to another scarecrow exhibit...which actually turned out to be a garden exhibit...20 gardens to look at round some village. Those of you who know me and who have a life (sorry for anyone who likes peoples gardens-you do have a life really) can understand that this was mind numbingly dull...and quite tedious in this heat (the car was 29oC!!) and not something I would recommend...only so many roses and pertunias that one can admire!!

Anyway...that is it for the life of Emma for the past few days...not that shabby really!!

Speak soon people...hopefully!

P.S We have a new addition to the blogging world...check it out!


vix said...

Hello my dear!

Good blog. Sounds like a good day (despite boring gardens) and a good week (despite boring work)... congratulations on completing your first week! Talk soon, x

Emmie-lou said... week of work down...13 to go!!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

glad you had a good time! lol

Emmie-lou said...

LOl...sorry katie!!