Monday, July 3

Here we are again...monday. A new day...a new week...of work :-(
I'm quite excited this week though as my week ends with my Birthday...which depsite being my 20th (aarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!) I am looking forward to.

Anyhoo...time to go home...for some food and sleep!! Man this work thing is hard!!


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

As am I...

Emmie-lou said...


Anonymous said...

Emston we may have a problem... as you know my car was badly overheating when I picked you up and took you to Jos on Saturday. After i had taken Nic out and come back home again my car conked out just around the corner from my house. It has now been in the garage two days and is at the minute still there. The mechanics keep fixing things but finding others which are broken so... Ur lift to Neasham may no longer be on offer. Sorry xxxx O and plau i wll be skint after having to pay for the car, so although i am looking forward to the event please bare in mind i wont be too happy with my new bill, and i will have been in a Yr1 class all week, only been in with them a day and i am already pulling my hair out!! Life could be worse see!!

Anonymous said...

u think i shud start my ow blog? think my comment was possibly longer than what you originally said xx

Anonymous said...

You think i should get my own blog?
i think my "comment" was longer than what you originally started with. xxx

Emmie-lou said... worries...will just chhange plans!

Anonymous said...

May be fixed tho... so i'll try to let you no when i find out