Saturday, December 30


Have you ever wondered that?

Tuesday, December 26

Merry Christmas!

Well...that's it! At least 4 weeks of preparation and then in the space of 24 hours it's all over. Christmas has been and gone and we must return to the comings and goings of everyday life. I had a brilliant day...despite it being extremely long and stressful at times! I hope everyone had a fantastic day that was full of joy, food , family, and love.

Friday, December 22

He's behind you!!

Hehe...yes I have been to the annual Christmas Pantomime!! I saw PeterPan at Durham's finest Gala was somewhat amusing!! If you're an 'old ones are the best' kinda joke teller you would have loved it! The pirates by far stole the show...literally...being pirates! Hehe

I've had a very long day!! I have travelled to Thirsk---->York (oops)---->Harrogate and back again!! I saw the wonderful sights of the 'Gate including The Stray, Betty's, Lots of posh hotels, and Wetherspoons! It's been a good day!

Thursday, December 21


Man...what a busy week!! I havn't stopped. Days have been spent preparing for Christmas and the addition of the Grandparents to our household for a week or so and the nights have been spent socialising! I went to the annual Christmas quiz on Sunday night...we did very badly!! I saw friends from school Monday night...was good to catch up! I saw friends from college on Tuesday night...that was fun! Last night (well tonight if we're not being technical) I attended the world's worst ever Christmas Carol Concert. You would think given the name there actually would have been Christmas Carols involved...however out of the 2 hours only 5 carols were sung!!?? Now I must away to my bed...I'm tired and I have another early start in the morning!! Tomorrow I am visiting the legendary 'Gate!! Hehe

Tuesday, December 19

Driving in my car...

Hehe...I'd forgotten just how much I love driving!! I can't believe I've been missing out on it for so long!! This weekend I have driven here, there, and everywhere! Hmmmm...that is a very silly saying! I havn't actually driven here as here is the study...I may have driven there though depending on where there is, and I certainly havn't driven everywhere as that would be impossible in 1 weekend!!

Saturday, December 16

Where is home??!!

What? It's that time of year already? How? I was just getting settled! I can't believe my 2nd 1st term is over already. It really doesn't feel like I'm going 'home'. Even as I sit in my room looking at boxes packed for the off...

Well this term has been a real mixed bag. There have been times of sadness, times of anger, times of illness, and most importantly times of elation. University seems to have a strange effect on life. It creates a cacoon or buble than no-one outside of university can enter or understand. Within this bubble emotions run high and change frequently! Half of the time it is difficult to know whether you are coming or going! But alas. I still love it and wish I had just returned as I could probably summon enough enthusiam to unpack what I've packed! As much as I like being at 'home' I can't help wanting the freedom, responsibility, and friends that are here in Durham. It is far too deep, depressing, and disheartening to think that this will eventually all be over. I will have to give up life as I know it and maybe grow up a little. What's even more daunting is that time isn't too far away. By the middle of next term I will have reached the halfway milestone. Ok. Enough of this dreariness.

I hope everyone has a fantastic break, a 'Merry' Christmas ('*:•Hic•:*'), and a Happy New Year!! Seen you all for a bright and optimistic 2007!!!

...Edinburgh was fantastic by the way!! Despite the customary rain, wind, and in some places rather steep topography (it's built on an extinct volcano you know...but that's another story!)! The day was pretty much spent shopping and wandering around Princes St or the Christmas market, but I did experience a bit of culture shock as we wasted an hour or two looking around the National Galleries!!

Wednesday, December 13

It's Christmas Time....

...Mistletoe and Wine. Well there was no mistletoe but there was wine! Today was our 'Fake Christmas Day'!! It was fab! We had an amazing Christmas Dinner including homemade Christmas Pudding...(thanks Dad!!), a stuffed bird and all the trimmings!! Secret Santa (thanks Tim...hmmmm not so secret Santa!). A lazy afternoon film and plenty of good cheer!

Am off to Edinburgh tomorrow...seriously early start...but it will be our last day together of 2006!!! Best make the most of it!

Anyhoo...sorry to have bored you all again...2 days in a row!

A late one...

...well it's 2.27 and I've finally finished my first drafts of both my essay and practical report! Yey!!! Just need it proof reading and voalla...finished completely!!

Man I really need to sleep!!! Why oh why do I always end up leaving it until the night before??!!

I suppose I should take this opportunity to update you all! I have been upto...nothing!! I have been to a few bars...written a few words...decorated a few rooms...and sang a few carols.

Tomorrow (well 12 hours in fact!) we are having a 'fake christmas'. I'm actually really excited! We're having dinner...mince pies...and presents!! :-D

Right...bed time...well nearly anyway!

Friday, December 1

Merry Christmas!!

Hehe...December is here...I would say finally but each year seems to get quicker and it seems like only yesterday that it was christmas!! But the time has arrived...dark nights, cold mornings, late night shopping...and the countdown to Santa coming is upon Everyone seems to forget the religious meaning of christmas!

I got a santa in my calender this morning!!! It's only the 1st!

Thursday, November 23


A very wise friend of mine once said that everybody needs a hug. I think such insights should be acted upon and send you all a virtual hug now!


Wednesday, November 15

Inner Chaos

'The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation'

"If we could really see into the depths of ourselves, into both our unconscious and subconscious minds we would see the inner turmoil and chaos of the conflicts we have. Such insights wouldboth terrify and delight us. There is no crime, perversion, cruelty ever practised that we are not capable of, but also no heroism, selflesness or love beyond our potential. We refuse to look at our 'inner' lives, ignoring our true selves, renoucing our individuality, freedom, personality...we lose our very selves. One way that we avoid looking at our inner choas and the potential destructiveness of it is to project it onto other people. Projecting blame onto others...unaware of the potential destruction caused to both ourself and others. We refuse to acknowledge our inner chaos as we are afriad of rejection. We fear being totally rejected by people for what we may be capable of. Leading to an abyss of self rejection...

If we could face this fear we could find our true selves. Our true selves being meaningless. We are nothing without the relationships we share with others. This web of relationships is essential for meaning. To prevent having no purpose we fight to assure ourselves and others that we have meaning. We must ensure that we make our mark...people notice us. To gain this assurance we may pretend that we are other than we really are...feign interest...etc. If we try hard enough we may convince ourselves that that is who we are...but it just leads to a tangled web of deceit. We become false. We play the game of life without relish. We do damage to our deepest selves."

Friday, November 10


After reading Tim's post I got thinking...again!!! Not sure that was the aim!! But it made me think...why do we think so much?? Why do we feel the need to know the answers to so many ultimate questions???!!!! It's all rather silly really!! lighten things up slightly!! I shall tell all of my comings and goings for the past...however many days!! I have done a great deal!! Obviously!!I am not a social recluse!!! I do people...see things...or was it the other way round? I never can remember! But it all seems rather silly out of context. Anyhoo...I have been to a rugby match...back to school disco...formal... work ... lectures ... watched movies ... eaten ... slept ( a little!!) ... seen my grandparents...cooked...(not necessarily in that order or of that importance) ...the list is endless!! Generally just having fun...hanging with friends and being rather silly!! University seems the only place that we can actually be children again and get away with it!! I love it!!

Anyway...I have bored you for far too long!!


Wednesday, November 8

1 month later...

My apologies to those who actually read my blog for I have not updated for a month!! My thoughts go out to you...for what could be more important or exciting than a daily update in my life experiences!!

Well...blogs are rather strange. It is due to blogging that I have realised just how many different paths my life has taken. I have also found that it is very difficult to follow all paths at once...they seem to be leading to a similar place...but they rarely cross...and it is up to us which once we choose to follow often to stray off the path...and who to allow to walk with us. Do you ever wonder how long the paths will last? Will they be straight forward...twisty...forked?? Who or what is it thats guides us along the path and how will we know when we have reached the end. Should we ask for help? Or is it a journey that should be done alone? Is there nobody who can tempt our 'fate' but us? I think I find the most difficult thing to comprehend is the destination of such paths. Sometimes things don't quite work out as you predict, which is always slightly unsettling. I guess that is the spontaneous nature of life.

In the words of Forrest Gump..."Life is like a box of chocolates [with the menu card missing], you never know what you are going to get"....

Saturday, October 7

Goo Goo Dolls Rock!!

Well...I havn't posted for a while but havn't really had the time!! I've had a pretty busy week in one way or another!! After returning to Durham last thursday I don't seem to have stopped!! Everyone else seems to be back now too with the latest addition of Ellis to number 5 on Wednesday! I can't believe how lucky we've been to get so many people so close together!!

On Wednesday I went to my concert which was absolutely amazing!! The support band were fairly good and I would have paid £17 just to hear them sing Iris!! Wish I could go again!! But then I guess it wouldn't be so special then would it??!!

Yesterday was the start to lectures which so far have been pretty mundane and just general introductions to the modules...I only have about 7 hours a week so can't really complain!!

Anyhoo...will try to! I just can't seem to drift off!!

Monday, October 2

Tickled Pink

After reading Tchakra's blog I have decided to go Pink in order to show my support for the Pink for October Campaign.

Thursday, September 28

Day 0

Well the day has finally arrived!! In just 2 hours I finish work...go home...finish packing (you know that bit was just for show right...I have been packed for a week!!)...shower and then go to Durham (well as soon as Hannah gets home from netball)!! Yey!!!

Today's been a fantastic day at work...if not a bit emotional! I have had lots of cards, chocolate, and wine (how well they know me) from people to show their appreciation. I am going to miss a lot of people and it will be sad to go :'-(

Right...This should be my last post from Darlo for a while!!! So speak soon from Durham!! (Yes...a whole 20 miles away!!)

Wednesday, September 27


Only one day to go!!!! Hehe

Sunday, September 24

Weekend Away!!!

My parents have been away this weekend to stay at my grandparents and me and My sisters have had the house to ourselves. After going to the chinese for tea with my Aunt last night we decided to cook a three course meal together today, each having a course each!! I have provided the pictures below to show the delicious treats we came up with!! I am well and truly stuffed though!!

This is Amy's starter of black marinated chicken with noodles in a black bean sauce. The chicken was delicious!!

This is my main course of Chicken cordon bleu, sauteed potatoes and homemade garlic bread!!

This is Hannah's amazing pudding!! Strawberries, shortbread and cream!! What a winning combination!!

We've pretty much spent our time watching Harry Potter, shopping, celebrating the Harvest Festival, and eating!! But alas...back to work tomorrow!!

(Only 4 days left!! See you soon Durham!!)

Thursday, September 21


Where is everyone today??!! I hope you're all having fun...I have had thee busiest day at work...can't wait 'til this time next week as I will have finished...forever!! I'm seriously wishing the days away and it's not working!! I have so much to look forward to...I get to see my friends after a very long time, live in my house, start learning again which I have surprisingly missed!!, go to a formal, and a concert!! And that's just the first week!!

Anyhoo...the next week should fly by as I have so much to do, sort out, and see!! I have the whole weekend with my sisters as my parents are away and a leaving do with my soon to be ex-work colleagues next tuesday...

Right. I'm off!

Wednesday, September 20

The Alphabet(a)

Ok. I have marvelled at myslef long enough. I am going to share my new found theory!! I was considering the alphabet for sometime a few weeks ago and then it hit me. The Alpha-bet(a). ..The alphabet originated in Eygypt, however there symbols are not seen in the alphabet used today. The alphabet was quickly picked up by the Greeks and developed into the 24 letters that are used frequently today. Such symbols are commonly found in mathematics. Anyway back to my point. The reason why we call the Alphabet, the Alphabet is because of the first 2 greek letters Alpha and Beta... It would have taken too long to say the whole alphabet so they abbreviated it to the first two letters!! Alphabet!! Hehe...

Right that's enough thinking!! Went to a quiz last night and did appaulingly...I couldn't even cheat properly as my sources were too slow!! After the quiz I went round to Adams and watched a bit of Music TV...not actually MTV...just the music television channels...

...And then...I actually got an early nights sleep!! The last time I looked at the clock was 12:30!!! This may not seem early to you, but for the past 15 weeks (well year really) I have been lucky to be asleep before 3!!

I never quite know how to end my posts.

Tuesday, September 19

Only a week to go!!

Phew...I only have 7 days of work left and I can't wait!! After nearly 14 weeks I have reached the end of my teather and can't wait for this chapter to end. It's even longer than a term at uni!! Well every cloud has a silver lining, what have I gained from this experience?? Apart from finacial benefits...not much!! But I now know that I DO NOT wish to spend my life doing admin work. It is NOTa possibility!! I'm hoping that this will encourgae me to work twice as hard on my uni work this year...but we'll see!! I have also learnt that the office environment is spectacular for the creation of gossip...even more so than the Thid Floor!! Whilst working for the SLC I have even managed an office romance...hehe??? I will miss the friends I have made here...but even that doesn't make working here worthwhile!!

In the meantime I am focused on being in Durham next thursday which isn't exactly helping!! This week is dragging!! My house is fantastic, my friends will be there, I have a concert to go to, and I should have some form of paid work!! What more do I want?? Life is good!!

Anyhoo...should get back to work before I'm sacked!!

Mwoah xxx

Sunday, September 17


Today I have been to the a seller!! It's quite amazing actually I took all of my crap and unwanted items and sold them on to other people making £65.30 in the process!!! Who thought of such wonders??!! I also spent some of my hard earned cash to buy a Harry Potter video and a record for my sister!! But generally had a profit making day!

Katie came through to good old Darlo yesterday!! We went shopping for some more 'house' stuff!! Had a fab time!! to go. People to do things to see.


Friday, September 15

Chocolate Crispy Cakes

Hey. Thank god it's the weekend!! It's been a very long week at work...but only 9 days left!! I made crispy cakes for 'my colleagues' this week (both milk and orange chocolate) which went down well...

Last night I went out (yes I have a social life) bowling with steven, Laura, Adam, Morph, and took us an hour to complete a usually 15 minute journey as Adam took a wrong turning (or wrong turnings) due to some road works!! but was a lot of fun...and I came fifth!! Which out of six people may not seem too great...but I beat the other girl!!

Tomorrow I'm seeing Katie and we're doing lunch or something!! Very exciting.

Anyway...must dash!!

Speak soon!

Tuesday, September 12

Just a quick one!!

Just wanted to post a quick update as havn't for a while!! I spent the weekend in Durham and getting my hair done...not in that order!! I have had a bit of an image change!! I no longer possess (does that have one s or two?) my blonde gone wrong locks (I coat Taj there!!) and have joined the following of brunettes!! Hehe...

Durham was fun...had pizza and watched Vicky's friend Meghans Sky TV!! Can't wait to move in properly but 16 days isn't that long!!

Anyhoo...must go back to work! Speak soonish peeps.


Friday, September 8

SSL Protocol??????!!!!!!

Gggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...facebook won't work!! I can't access it from work and now I can't access it from home!! Apparatly my SSL Protocol settings are not compatible with the server. What does this mean? And how can I change it? Answers on a postcard please.

Today's been an odd day. I went out last night with work and drank a fair amount...left work at 5pm and arrived home at 1.15am... :-S Have suffered majorly today though and am still hungover now!! It's after 8pm!!! My mouth feels like Gandi's flipflop and my legs don't want to hold me up!! Had a fab night though!! Stayed out with one of the guys from work and had a good a dance gggrrrrrrr!!! would appear Tchakra understands SSL and my settings are now at SSL3!!! Thanks Taj!

Wednesday, September 6


...don't really have anything to update today. I found out that I had a child if I was a guy that probably wouldn't sound so abnormal (not that all guys have unknown children here there and everywhere- but a woman would know if she'd ahd a child, surely??!!). Anyway, I will explain. At the fantastic university I go to, they have this system of college parents. Basically they're a mentor for new students at the university. Your child generally is part of your college and department, therefore allowing you to offer advice and insight etc etc etc.

Anyhoo...I am a college mum...and I have a daughter...called Katherine!! I'm very scared but excited!! I just hope that we get on enough to be in the same room as each other!! Hehe...

Right must go! Time for home...

Monday, September 4

Happy Mondays

Well...what a day! I was hoping to have something more happy and fun to blog about today...but I've had a bad day. This is probably because I woke up in a bad mood...I didn't sleep too well. I have been too efficient at work...and completed all my tasks earlier than expected (for which I was given a gingerbread worm!!- which was nice!!) and now I have been stuck with the most tedious work...the kind of stuff that has been left for months becasue nobody else wants to do it! So that's fun!

I also found out that I can't take any geology modules as the one that I am able to do (you had to complete the 1st year module to carry on...can't rememeber the posh name!) clashes with my compulsory Geography module 'Geography a Changing Disipline...which I'm sure you can all imagine is going to be thrilling!! So now I have to choose one of the remainding geography modules that I don't really want to do to take next year...and somehow get myself to Durham before October the 2nd to re-register for my new module whilst still working full time until the 29th of September!! gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr...stupid timetable clashes!

Anyhoo...we must not dwell on the bad on some crap like that so I'm going to go and do something positive! I am going to do some more reading for my course...yup I actually started it yesterday! Yey for me!!

Speak soon!

Sunday, September 3


Hmmm...what an interesting theory. No I wasn't meaning the TV show. I just think it's absolutly hilarious that you always seem to get more f*****d over by your 'friends' than any other group of people.

Fantastic huh?

Saturday, September 2

Goo Goo Dolls!!!

I'm going to a concert!! In Newcastle!!! And going to see Goo Goo Dolls LIVE!!! I'm so excited!! Bring on October 4th!!!

Friday, September 1

Tree Hugger!!

Today I saved 1/3 of a tree!! At work we have special boxes referred to as 'Treehuggers' which you can store your waste paper in until it's full. Once the treehugger is full it can be emptied into the recylcing bin. If you empty your treehugger 30 times the amount of paper recyled is the equivilent of using one tree to provide more paper. Today I emptied my treehugger for the tenth time, therefore I have saved 1/3 of a tree!! Everybody in my office has a treehugger and the majority of people use it wisely!! My office also provides recyling bins for cans, plastic bottles, plastic cups (from the water cooler!!), and plastic containers (from salads and sandwiches etc) I'm very proud!! It's about time some people took the time to think about the future of our planet. We are using resources at a high rate and the least we can do is try to conserve and make the most out of the resources we have used.

If you would like to read more about treehuggers and the company that has developed and patented them visit http:///

(For those of you who may suggest producing treehuggers is a waste of paper...they are mader from 80% recycled paper...and surely its better to use them than non-biodegradable plastic bags!!)

Thursday, August 31

It's nearly the weekend!!

Man this week has gone slow...but the weekend is nearly here!! I only have 1 1/2 days left!! Whilst we're on the subject of days...I only have 21 1/2 days left of work!!! Which means only 29 1/2 days until I return to Durham!!!! Hehe...I'm so excited!!! Can't wait!!

Anyhoo...lunch break over, man work is dull...and stressful!!..."it's nearly the weekend"!!


Sunday, August 27

Sunday Dinner!!!

I have just made my first full sunday dinner...from scratch!! That's right everything was fresh and made with my own bare appose to Aunt Bessie!! My dinner included thee most gorgeous joint of brisket (that's beef for the uneducated-or those of you who havn't even worked in a butchers), carrots, cabbages, cauliflower cheese (no packet mix!!), mash potato, roast parsnips, yorkshire puddings, proper gravy (as appose to the fake bisto kind!!), and peas (ok they came from a tin). I am so proud!! It was actually a patch on my mams too!! Hehe...I am actually growing up!!


Thursday, August 24



Need I say more?

Tuesday, August 22

The Legend of 'The Giant's Causeway'

Finn MacCool was the giant who lived on the North Coast of Ireland. He had a great rivalry with Benandonner across the sea in Scotland. After a dispute about their respective fighting ability, Finn grabbed a rock a threw it towards Scotland issuing a challenge to settle this claim. Benandonner responding with another rock, saying he could not swim. Finn MacCool then tore slabs of volcanic rock from the plateau around him to pave a causeway to get across to his rival, the remains of which are the Giant's Causeway. When Finn saw Benandonner he realised that he had misjudged his size, he was huge! Finn returned home...

Benandonner accepted the challenge, came across the causeway and entered Finn MacCool's house to find the comparatively small (by giant standards) Finn dressed as a baby. Benandonner picked up the 'baby', whereupon Finn bit his rival's hand and chased him back to Scotland, pelting him with clumps of dirt and 'ripping' up the causeway. Legend has it that one of these clumps left a hole in the Irish land (a hole now filled in as Lough Neagh), but this missed its target and landed in the Irish Sea to become the Isle of Man. one explanation of the formation of the wonder of the Giants Causeway...

However, this is greatly insulting to me as a geographer and a human being!! The actual formation of the causeway was a volcanic intrusion into the earths crust. When the magma was intruded (during the tertiary period) rapid cooling occured causing major contractions in the rock. When the rock cooled, fractures occured forming the 40,000+ columns. The hexaganol shape can't really be is just a force of nature, however not all of the columns are hexaganol, some have more/less sides. As unbelievable as it may seem, NO HUMAN activity caused the formation of this amazing geology. We should just be glad that nature formed such a breath taking sight.

It is entirely up to you which 'theory' you decide to believe...but sometimes things have a bigger impact when they can't be explained!! Hehe...

Monday, August 21

Busy Weekend...

Well...I don't seem to have stopped this weekend but it's been fun!! At 3.30pm on Friday I left work and got the train through to Durham to see Vicky and sort my house out. We started by washing our sofa cushions...the I unpacked my room whilst Vicky made tea!! It was so strange eating tea in my very own house, that was cooked on my very own cooker in my very own kitchen!! Hehe...I can't wait to move through for good!! It's so exciting! We sampled the local pub after tea and generally ahd a wicked time!

Saturday was spent shopping for some essentials for the house...the previous tenants had managed to burn a hole clean through the ironing board cover and not wash the floors for a whole year!! Eeeeeewwww!! Tom cooked lunch for us so we had to be civilised and grown-up and visit his house!! I feel very big and grown-up living in a house that isn't my parents!! I must remember that I still have to study!!

I returned home on saturday night after stopping at the local...again!! Jo came round for a film fest and food on sunday which was fun and I'm back at the Duke of Welly tonight for their monday night quiz!!

Phew...I'm so Happy!! Hehe!! And even though Taj continues to mcok me...I don't care!! Life can be fun adn exciting at times and at these times we need to embrace it!

Thursday, August 17


Sometimes you're the statue, Sometimes you're the pigeon...

Post 101

Hehe...I have decided in true room 101 fashion to share some of my pet hates in order to celebrate my 101st post!!


1) Guys topless in the street...even the attractive ones. What use does this have? It doesn't make you any cooler...if anything it makes you hotter as the sun then has direct contact with your skin!! Fools!

2) People who don't read instructions (I may be a culprit of this). This is a fairly recent additon to annoyances but students who don't print on application forms...I CAN'T read your writing!

3) People who can never be wrong. Definition: Opinion- a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. An indiviual thought or feelings regarding a subject. This doesn't mean that there opinion is right...and may even be proven wrong with facts. What it does mean is that people have different views on things, different tastes, morals, values. Nobodies opinions have superiority over anybody elses! Why should everybody think the same as you about a band or suchlike??!! Get over yourself!

4) Junk Mail. Junk mail is a waste of trees. Who reads junk mail? It can cause great excitement for those of you who like me enjoy getting post (minus bills!). You hear the letterbox go, hear the masses of letters thud on the mat, rush downstairs and see...several letters offering you a credit card, loan, or insurance! Grrr! If I wanted a credit card, loan, or insurance I would have got a credit card, a loan, or insurance. It usually ends up lining the waste paper basket anyway. Just stop sending it!!

I have decided that that is enough negative thoughts for today!! Today has been relatively good plus I have to go back to work now!!


Monday, August 14

Happy Holidays!

As most of you may know I have just returned from my two week stay in 'Sunny Scotland' LOL!!! I am an intelligent person and know what the weather is like on the west coast of the UK...however after the recent weather I had hoped for more than one day of sunshine! Yup thats it...I only had to suffer swim wear for one out of fourteen days!! Not too bad!

So...Scotland!! Is actually amazing! I havn't seen such gargeous scenery and sun sets for a long time! I hav managed to collect 176 photograps! I think on 8 of which people can be found! Hehe...I spent the enitre 14 days boring my family rigid explaining the processes involved in forming the amazing coastline: dykes, caves, beaches...pebbles...and the weather!! But what do they expact when you take a physical geographer to a place of such amazing geology!! They were even stupid enough to take me to Scotlands 'Gem-rock Museum!'

After much discussion we took a day trip tour thing to the 'Giants Causeway' on the Northen coast of Ireland which, again was amazing!! The Antrim Coast is just breathtaking! Seriously: Google it! (The causeway it's self was pretty cool too!!). I also participated in some of Irelands Culture...I had a bottle of the golden nectar (that's Magners for the uneducated) and a pint of Guiness in the birth place of both beauties!! It was so cool!

and so...after 14 days of sea, sun (haha...I'm referring to daylight hours only!) good food, drink, and company I have returned to the...wonder they call reality laden with specimens, pebbles, boulders (yup-seriously [according to Hjulstrom anyway] hehe) from the west coast plus a few gifts and a total of 13 postcards!!

Phew...sorry to bore you all!!

Sunday, August 13


I am back!! I don't have time to update you all now but just wanted to say hey and let you all know I havn't died!


Friday, July 28

Bye for now...

I'm off on my holipops for a couple of weeks...won't be posting for a while!!


Wednesday, July 26

'Orange Wednesdays'!!

Nothing much to report today...My account at work decided it didn't want to work so have been messeing around with e-mail and protocol all afternoon trying to get it sorted again! The IS Helpdesk are NOT very helpful and even after 4 hours had not done what they said they would so it will have to be sorted tomorrow morning...hopefully...ggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

I am making the most of my orange sim card adn going to see a movie this!! How american of me! I'm gannin to see 'The break-up' with Hannah...looks funny and cute! Should be good.

Speak later peeps...

Tuesday, July 25

As time posts by...

I just had to share the picture of this 'post-it' decorated office in Germany...It is so COOL!!! Post-it notes are cool enough...but this is awesome!! All oooooooooo and ahhhhhhhhh at the amazingness of the post-it!! Sorry to bore you all but I had to post-it!! Hehe...did you see what I did there!!


Nearly there!!

Well I am still going...with this charade!! I have nearly made my centenary- only five posts to go!! As usual I am going to fill this post with numerous amounts of crap that mean absolutely nothing...I guess the blogging world is merely a way to waste time when there is nothing better doing in the real world!!

Today has been ok so far...I havn't been sacked...or killed- which is always a bonus!! I have something to look forward this week so it is making the week a little easier to bear!! Only three (and a half) days left until my holiday...and PAY DAY!!! Yey!! I will not be AS skint as I have been for the past year!! Roll on friday!

Anyhoo...sorry for boring you for aproximately two minutes...I hope you have a great day!

Chow xxx

Monday, July 24


...I am very sorry for my last post...Tchakra has informed me of everybodies are avoiding me...effectively I am writing this for only myself...


Grrrrrr...where is everybody?? You should all be available to entertain me in my lunch hour!! Work has been very bad and busy and boring and bad today. Yes I said bad twice...because I really don't want to be here!! At least I can revel in the knowledge that this time next week I will not be here! I (all being well anyway...) will be sat (or stood) in bonny Scotland, probably drinking rum, and maybe eating haggis!!! Hehe...can't wait to get away...slightly worried how one will cope without tinternet and probably phone signal!!

Anyhoo...enough ranting and day-dreaming for one day!


Sunday, July 23


Hey, I know It's early but I don't think I'll get another chance to post today!! Don't really plan to do much today...Have to collect my holiday clothes together to check they are in full wearing order...will be sat facing the sea this time next week!! (as long as it's not foggy or too thundery anyway!!) I'm also going to look at my house this afternoon...need to check a few things out and generally just want to see it again!! Yey!!

Anyway...hope all is well. Speak soon

P.S My Duck IS cute!!

Saturday, July 22

Arrggghhh...a DUCK!!!

adopt your own virtual pet!

The Weekend!!!

Finally!! It has arrived...and with it NO overtime!! Yey me! I had my first 'lie-in' today since I finished university...that's like 6 weeks!! Yup...I right this undressed and still sleepy!! Hehe...

Yesterday wasn't a bad day...It was Friday and everyone seems ratehr hyper at work on the day leading to the weekend!! There's something about the thought of time away from the office that makes everyone go mad!!

Last night I decided to have a bit of a nothingness session...I watched a chick-flick (Coyote Ugly-LOVE IT!!) borrowed amz footspa to soak my feet, blitzed my room (man it was annoying me- much in need of a clean and tidy!), and then explained why we wil get rain next weekend when we go on holiday to scotland!! Why does nobody understand that even with weeks os are bound to get rain!! Havn't you been to the equator!!

Anyhoo...just wanted to plug a song from an amazing band I have recently been introduced to...

If only songs could come true...

Enjoy. xxx

Thursday, July 20


I am most upset at your reaction to my new pet. The very meaning of my life!!! I need something to providfe me with love and something to love myself. My therapist has recommended it!!! I hope you will continue to be this supportive in the future!! Hehe...only joking...

I thought he was cute though!!

Anyhoo...back at work...adn my neck is killing!! It aches so much...feels like I've been stung by a very large wasp!



Wednesday, July 19

Check out my new pet!!

adopt your own virtual pet!

I know...original name!!

Hope all is well.

Anyhoo...back to work tomorrow!! Speak soonish!

Tuesday, July 18

I hate doctors...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...I hate being sick...usually because it ends with a trip to see the doctor and they never seem to tell you anything good...I have tonsilitus...again. I get it alot. Now the doc has decided that I should get them removed...which is very painful, especially for older people but I guess will be worthwhile in the long run. I do not want a scalpul anywhere near my throat thank you very much!!!

But every cloud has a silver lining and all other relavent cliches...I get to have 2 days off work...granted unpaid...but all the same it's myself...much needed time. I think I was meant to get sort some things out.

So all in all things are good. Katie will be pleased to know!! DAy time TV is good shit...and the sun is still shining!! Life is good!

Sunday, July 16

Picture Post...

A sample of a few balloons...

...and a rather scary owl kite!!

And that's your lot...too time consuming!!!

Sun(burnt) Day

Well...what a scorcher today has been!! It reached 34oC in the car!!! I have spent the day at the a fair/festival thing. There was doody shaped hot air ballons including a guiness can, battery, jar of coffee, globe (my personal favourite...obviously), and a pint of lager!! I went on some very dodgy fairground rides...very nausia inducing...and got sunburnt. All in all it's been a good day. I had a bit of a paddle in the sea, a picnic (sooooooooo NOT romantic) and a lemontop...what more could I want???

Hope all is well with everyone else. Speak soon...

Saturday, July 15

Saturday night and I like the way you move...

Well this morning started as I deserved...with a stinking hangover!! I tried some of my own home remedies to relieve the ache...which was quite successful and made me feel slightly better!! I was in work by 8 and had earned 7 1/2 hours pay by 1pm!! How cool!! Man I love overtime! Can't wait to get paid and actually reap the rewards of my work!

This afternoon brought about a quick trip to the pub and then shopping!! I havn't been clothes shopping for a long I remember why! Everything and anything I tried on looked hideous and yet I still managed to spend my birthday money on several items!!?? I guess I can just be relieved that they don't have communal changing rooms...was bad enough that my mam decided to stay with me!!! I am very shy!!

Anyway...must have food...and need to refil my glass!!

Talk soon people! xxx

Friday, July 14

Got that friday feeling??

No me has been a bad day...I should have known when I had daja vu that it's the day to stay in bed...I seriously did though. I woke up and did the usual panick...'I've slept in...NOOOOOOO!!!' then checked my clock to find it was in fact only 05:53...this was good news as it meant another hours sleep...then I woke again did the usual panick...'I've slept in...NOOOOOOO!!!' then checked my clock to find it was in fact only 05:53...this again was good news as it meant another hours sleep...but then!! It hit me...I had relived the same thing one day...this was very odd and spooked me a ensure it didn't happen again...I just dozed for the next hour then got up for my shower...As it's casual fridays I decided to wear my denim skirt and had to de-fluff a little...and for the first time...EVER...I cut myself...I was not impressed!! Man it can bleed!!! At this point I should have gone back to bed...

...the rest of the day seems a bit of a mad blur but after one thing or another I ended up feeling very low and rather depressed...(I know- what's new??!!)...

I now plan to go and see a friend (she's cooking!! mmmmm) and get very drunk...then get up to go to work again at 7am...oh how life is fun!!!

Smile peeps!!

Wednesday, July 12

Nearly there...

...Welcome to the middle of the working week. It is nearly over...unfortunatly I am working saturday this week so still have 3 days of work remaining...before I get 1...yes off!!! I think the world of work is rather depressing...I mean people actually do this...HAVE to get up every morning of the week...HAVE to go to bed early due to tiredness...HAVE no life!! I don't want to work full time in a dull...ever again!! I don't even have anything to look forward to this weekend...Am going to the cinema tonight though. 2 1/2 hours full of fun...pirates...and Johnny Depp...ooooo rrrrrrrr!!!

Anyhoo...must some phones to answer...forms to unput...usual fun stuff!! Got some actual personal post this morning...delivered to me!! Hehe when thats something to get excited know life is good!

x Mwoah x

Tuesday, July 11

Pear drops, pineapple cubes, and polish people!

Well what a day...yesterday was quite awful...after having very very little sleep over the weekend...and a very unwelcomed visitor I wasn't happy and was hoping for an easy day at work...This is FAR from what I got. I spent the whole day running around...adding forms...checking post (which took 3 hours to open!!! thats how much there was!!)...answering calls...I was very glad to go home at 6 (I was suppose to finish at 5...but had to finish work! 10 hours at work isn't good on low fuel!)!...and just wanted to crash out and sleep by 7!! unplanned visit from a friend in need put a stop to that...I eventually got to bed at 12ish...Man I'm tired!!!

Today has been a much easier day at work...Pineapple cubes and pear drops were brought in by Carolyn...yummy!! I especially love the yellow pear drops!! And I have helped some nice polish people...I am working until 7 :-S but I'm feeling good...and looking forward to sleep tonight!! Noone disturb me please...

Phew...speak soon people!


Sunday, July 9

Happy Birthday!!

:-S Friday was my 20th andf as was very kindly pointed out by Timothy...I am now closer to 40 than birth!!! Waht a great thought!! I am starting to get life is actually I doing anything with it?? Is there a guideline to what you should have achieved...reached...done by a certain age? Is there a guideline to what you should have achieved...reached...done during your life? I always worry that I don't make the most of life..don't grasp opportunites when they are there...don't go through with things...take risks when they are probably worth it. I also worry that I spend too much time thinking about stuff...worrying about things...allowing negative events to control my life more than positive events...

I've had a rather mixed birthday in terms of enjoyment...I've had a fantastic weekend...Katie and Tim came to visit and we pretty much spent the time eating...drinking...and talking. But then I felt bad...becasue not all of the important people were there some of my good friend weren't there to enjoy it with me... and I am responsiblew for that...

Anyway...Happy Birthday to me...

Wednesday, July 5

The middle of the week...

Thursday is in fact THEE middle of the week...but wednesday is the middle of teh working week and that's good enough for me!! Only 2 days left of work...tehn 2 days off...YEY!!!

Monday, July 3

Here we are again...monday. A new day...a new week...of work :-(
I'm quite excited this week though as my week ends with my Birthday...which depsite being my 20th (aarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!) I am looking forward to.

Anyhoo...time to go home...for some food and sleep!! Man this work thing is hard!!

Sunday, July 2


Wow...can't believe how behind I am!! Wasn't sure I'd get chance to post today...

Looking at the positive side though...havn't really had much to post!! Friday I spent at work...saturday morning was spent at which I had the most amazing sandwich by the way!! It was bacon, mushrooms, and black pudding...was really delicious...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I started work at 7.30 and was rather tired!! Anyhoo- try it!!

I went to a poker party last night...we never got round to playing poker!! But never mind...was mucho funo anyway...was good to catch up with some more friends!! I'd forgotten how much fun everyone was!

And today...I have been to redcar...slightly worse for wear!! Didn't get to bed until 4amish?? :-S
Had a little walk...some food...and sun...was good!! This afternoon we (we=me, my mam, my dad, amy, and hannah) went to another scarecrow exhibit...which actually turned out to be a garden exhibit...20 gardens to look at round some village. Those of you who know me and who have a life (sorry for anyone who likes peoples gardens-you do have a life really) can understand that this was mind numbingly dull...and quite tedious in this heat (the car was 29oC!!) and not something I would recommend...only so many roses and pertunias that one can admire!!

Anyway...that is it for the life of Emma for the past few days...not that shabby really!!

Speak soon people...hopefully!

P.S We have a new addition to the blogging world...check it out!

Thursday, June 29

Thursday (just for the s**ts and giggles!!)

Well...the wait is finally over...and even though it's not as long as A-Level release was still very long!! I have passed my first year at university!! Yey for roll on next October!!

Wednesday, June 28


I apologise for the boring post titles at the moment...but I can't think. I have been trained to input only so this is what I must do! Today has been fun filled! I have learnt how to process returning students as well as new of joys...

I also seem to have lost my mind...I have agreed to overtime as am working from 8am until 7pm (crazy f****r!!) and 7.30am until 12.30pm on saturday...what is the world coming too! I hate mornings!!

Think of the money...I also apologise for my boring posts...but I'm afraid I have nothing else to write about...I spend my days at work and can do nothing as exciting as watch 24 all day!!

Chow for now!

P.S Just wanted to wish my fellow blogger a VERY HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!!! Don't get too wasted Jo!!

Tuesday, June 27


Well today I had my first full day at work...It was really really dull!!

I have been sat with all of the managers so have nobody to talk to and the only thing that pulls me through the day is the fact that the guy next to me smells gorgeous!!! I can't believe people actually do this for a living!! I couldn't...I would literally go out of my mind...I know I'm not exactly in my mind now...but you get my drift!

Anyhoo...only 13 1/2 weeks to go!

Monday, June 26

Tell me why I don't like Mondays...

...I don't like this monday because funerals are sad and first days at work are scary.

Just a brief update.

Catch you later.

Sunday, June 25

Back in Darlo...

I seem to have done so much already! I didn't get home until half four yesterday as I spent most of the day in Durham at the continental market (had a waffle...yummy!) which was good but also wierd as I wasn't going home when I had finished shopping...I've always walked up the hill to college...but yesterday I had to get in a car and leave!

Went out to Adam's 21st birthday (he is sooooooooooo old!!) BBQ last night and had a wicked time! I had forgotten how fantastic some of my friends are at home!! Got to see Steven, Adam, Laura, and Morph again (oh and jo!) and was a really good laugh! Will have to remember to stay in touch more next year.

After getting very little sleep last night and not sleeping off my hangover I had a very fragile walk around a 'Scarecrow Exhibition' this morning!! I know random...but some were fairly cool!

Phew...that was a busy few hours!

P.S keep a look out for photos...

Saturday, June 24


Well the time has come. We all have to leave Van Mildert College and our life and routine as we know it will change forever. We will no longer have to avoid ducks, frogs (have you seen the babies by the way-so tiny!), and giant teenage mutant ninja turtles when trying to get food or going to bed!

My time here has been incredible, I have made thee most fantastic friends which is more than I expected and probably what is making today so hard. I have to endure 100 days without them! So much seems to have happened in the 9 months that I have known them and we have been through a lot together!! Summer is going to be very odd without having them around.

But alas...we have to go...we have to work...but we shall return!

See you in September Durham!!

Friday, June 23

Mildert Day!!

Yesterday Was mildert Day...and being the crazzzzzzzzzzzy people that we are...we decided to do a 24 hour session in order to celebrate such a glorious day!

We started our 24 hours after a quick nap (after the footie...COME ON ENGLAND!!!) at midnight as planned with some frisbee...which by the way I am getting increasingly good at...I can now hammer, backhand, forehand, and flick!! After frisbee we had chocolate fondue...mmmmmmmmmmmm...then we played friends the game...rather funny and a little embarrassing for some...then we went for a walk to watch the sun rise...and then back to mildert for a film ( The Constant Gardener- which actually has some relation to a gardener!!). The film finished just in time for breakfast, which was bacon sandwiches!! Yummy!! After breakfast we collected our Mildert Day T-shirts and the day started!! There was lots of fun...plenty of alcohol...and some good food! Bring on Mildert Day 2007!!

Now things seem to have hit an all time low...I have 1 full day left of my first year at university...

(Just to avoid confusion...I did write this post on Thursday night...however due to was actually Friday morning...oh and having the reputation that I do- Just thought I should mention that this is in fact my 69th post!! HeHe)

Sunday, June 18

Frisbee Rocks!!

Wow...can't believe I'm actually saying this but frisbee is wicked!! It's also very addictive! I can't get enough of it! I was very upset today as I couldn't play for long due to an injury to my hand (that's right I have a sporting injury!! Frisbee is a sport!!) :-(

It's all good though!

Also, just thought I should take the time to wish my Daddy a **Happy Father's Day!!**.

Peace out!

Saturday, June 17

Last week... :-(

As I havn't posted for a while I thought I would take this opportunity to bore all of you! HeHe...

Havn't really been upto much this week...Uni is really rather full of nothingness once exams are finished! just spend time playing frisbee or some other fantastic sport! (I know crazy to hear that from me), watching football or some other kind of sport, sleeping, or drinkng...not necessarily in that order!!

I can't believe that my first year of uni is nearly over...just need results then can kind of forget about it...academically anyway! So much has happened and I've changed so much...this really has been a fantastic experience!

As uni is nearly means that I've soon got to leave people...for THREE months! That's waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long! I won't even get chance to see some people again, so It's time to make the most of my last week!!

I start my last week rather tiredly as didn't get to bed until late...:-S...and was kept awake by 'nasty ball goers' playing cricket outside of my window!! Mental!

Ok...almost time for brunch!

Speak soon peeps!

Tuesday, June 13


Today I had a very scary job interview! I must have done something right as from a week monday I will be data processing!! Rock on!

Hope everyone is ok?

Speak soon!

The Land of Oz!!

The last four U.S. presidents are caughtin a tornado,and off they spin to OZ After threatening trial and tribulations, they finally make into the "Emeral City"and came before the great wizard.

Jimmy Carter steps forward timidly:"I had a terrible timewith Iran, so i've come for some courage". "NO PROBLEM" SAYS THE WIZARD "IT'S DONE"

Ronald Reagan steps forward, well,well ,uh i need a new memory."DONE SAYS THE WIZARD"WHO COMES NEXT BEFORE THE GREAT WIZARD?

Up steps George Bush, "sadly i'm told by the American people that i need a heart". "I've heard that's true" says the wizard "Consider it done."

Then there was a great silence. Bill Clinton is just standing there,looking around,but doesn't say a word.

Irritated the wizard finally ask,WHAT BRINGS YOU TO THE EMERALD CITY? Bill Clinton replies..........."Is Dorothy around?"

Monday, June 12

Contentness...Can't beat it!

Today has been a fantastic day. I am feeling good!!!

End of!


Thursday, June 8

Sound like me...?

Your Element is Earth
Your power color: yellow
Your energy: balancing
Your season: changing of seasons
Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful.
What Element Are You?


Wednesday, June 7


Just to let people know in advance of a very important date. It's my 20th Birthday in a month...exactly 30 days!! Better start saving peeps!!! HeHe...only joking!

I'm actually rather scared about it!!! :-S

Tuesday, June 6

Happy Tuesday!

As I havn't posted for a while I will get you all up to date!!

I spent the weekend at home for my sisters 13th Birthday (I can't believe she's a teenager!!!), plenty of good food, drink, and family!! Was good!

Apart from that it's pretty much been four days of nothingness!! (At least there is nothing bad to report!)

All is good!


Friday, June 2

Men and Women

Look how I naturally put men first...Think there's anything in that??!! It's strange the whole male/female thing. We are all part of the human race but there are distinctive differences...not just the physical kind! We all spend a lot of time complaining or moaning about the opposite sex...but do we ever really live without there ever a time that each sex isn't contemplaiting the other??

Even when girls get together for some stereotypical guys allowed...they are still spoken of, still thought about, they still influence us.

I think that men and women balance each other out, there differences should not be scorned or pointed out but used to advantage. So girls and boys...relish the differences...mix and learn!

It's Lady's Night!!

Lol...Just had an evening full of alcohol, chocolate, gossip, and girls! Was pretty good! Havn't had a good old girly time for ages! Have to admit much as I love a good chick flick and chat...I'd be lost without men! Sad really isn't it!

Anyhoo...time for an early night me thinks!

Love ya!

Tuesday, May 30

My eyes sting!

Wow...for the second time this week I have seen the sun set...and rise before bed!!! HaHa

It is all due to the fact that Katie Cook decided to pay me a visit and camp out for 4 hours!!!!! She only came to borrow a cup of sugar!!!!

We managed to catch Katie to get her views on the subject:

Katie "Not my fault - all emma"...She ensures that she will be up for breakfast at 8am...

We'll keep you posted!

Night...well morning...but that's!!

Sunday, May 28

What are you?!

You Are a Sensitive Kisser
For you, kissing is a way to connect
And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy
It may take you a while to kiss someone...
But when you do, it's total fireworks

Saturday, May 27

Almost it!

Wow...I've finished my exams...and that's it. My first academic year at uni is really over! (Let's hope that I don't need to include resits!) I can't believe how fast it's actually gone!! Well time flies and all that...

Celebrated at Planet last night and had a good time! (That's on record...and I was with the best guys ever so what were you expecting!!??)

Anyhoo..I've got to go and do....NOTHING!!!!

Speak soon!

Friday, May 26

Things are not always what they seem...

Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they seem."

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.

"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it."
"Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem."

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later...

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present!

I think this life is and savour every moment...

Thursday, May 25

The wonders of msn...

It's quite strange really...we spend our lives with people, talking, doing, sharing. It isn't possible to discuss all happens from a persons life, we can only get a feel of what has occurred or does occur and what effects such events have had. Yet, we only ever really get one side of the story and we never know whether or not we are being told the whole truth, the whole story. Do we ever really know anyone??!!

On a slightly different note i would like to say a few words about msn. I think a lot of people probably have a lot to thank msn may be annoying and tempremental...but without it I think I would know and have told very little! Whether or not that is a good thing or not I'm not quite sure. It's definately not a firm basis of a friendship, but it does allow one to get to know the true personality of our friends without the possible embarassment or shame of discussing sensitive subjects with each other.

Thank you Mr has done some good!

Monday, May 22

They're after me!!

Not very many of you may know...I live with a lake...well I don't actually live with a lake...that would be stoopid, I'd just get wet all the time! There is a lake at my area of residence! Anyhoo...the lake is the home for...(cue jaws music!)...DUCKS!! (They actually live with the lake...and get wet!)

Anyway...even less of you may know that I am in fact scared of said ducks...well ducks in general really. The ducks seem to have cottoned on to this and have subsequently spent a lot of time around my window...:-S

They are here now! HELP!!!

Sunday, May 21


Can you believe the politics in some coutries. Thailands Government deprives the poor living in the rural areas just because they don't live in the city! I guess what they know can't hurt them is a big theory there!!

Ah well...enough about Human Geography! Will all be over this time tomorrow! Yey!! Then only two more to I HATE exams!

Speak soon my lovelies...

Thursday, May 18

One down...four to go!'s destiny has been determined...for Physical GEography anyway! It wasn't too bad...I survived! Nearly didn't survive the journey back though! Someone decided to be adventurous and take us back via the scenic route...

...after walking around Mt Pinatubo we made it to the botanical gardens...for those of you who don't know Durham...It wasn't a short cut!

Oh...By the way...BIG NEWS!!! Today I have discovered...Rain makes you wet!

Love yas

The time has come...

Arggghhhhh...the day has come! My first exam is today! It's so strange...I have never felt so unprepared for an exam! I just have no idea what I'm suppose to know or what I need to do! Well now is not the time to is the time to sleep. I'm sure that everything will be fine...very glad that I only need 40% this time round. I DO NOT like unchartered territory!


Monday, May 15

Exam Time

Havn't updated for a while so I thought I'd say hey!!

Well exams have officially started...not necessarily for me but still...we have entered teh period. It has been rather amusing to see the effects that exams have on people, whether due to the stress of the exams themselves of the stress of people due to their stress of their exams...did that make sense??!!

Anyhoo...Cheer up everyone...They're not so bad and not long til they'll all be over. Just remember to eat and sleep well!

Love ya's!

Friday, May 12

Stella Artois

I have found the reason why Stell is 'Reasuringly Expensive''s to stop students from getting so pissed! That stuff is leathal! Add a few pints, some sun, and a fun friend and you're everything! Don't do it!

Onto more serious news...exams are luming and I'm not as prepared as I'd hoped...but they're going to be ok! Only 40% afterall!

Monday, May 8


One realises that exams are fast approaching when checking the location of said exams...Everything seems pretty straight forward, except annoying IT & Skills for Geographers...(maybe if it was aimed at KS1 geographers- not exactly new skills now :-S)...It would appear that my IT & Skills exam is in 3 locations...and as My name is W I'm guessing I will be the furthest away!! How exactly am I suppose to find out anyway? :-S (I think I've probably been told but have either forgotten already, or just not listened!).

Better news though! I have found the timer button on my camera and am not afraid to use it!! It's so cool! You can take a picture of your whole group without the risk of your camera being stolen/broken by whomever you decide to risk ask take a picture of your whole group!, work, wok!! HaHa...I love chinese food!

10 days to go!!

Saturday, May 6

Washing...Easier said than done!

Well today...(everybody be proud!!)...I did my very first wash at university!! (Usually I take it home and use the washing machine there). It was rather difficult and at first I did forget to put the washing powder in...BUT...I did it!!!

Tuesday, May 2


I would just like to take the opportunity to pay tribute to the wonder that is TEA!! Such a substance can be found in little bags and brews perfection in any mug. Oh tea. How I LOVE you!!

Saturday, April 29

Sorry it's been so long!

Well, what a busy week! Sorry for the lack of updates...can't seem to find the time! Considering my exams are very fast approaching i have spent very litle time revising! The sun has been shining and the cider has been flowing!!!

We've even had a formal!! I've even provided you with a picture so you can see how great we all look!!! Formals are good!!!

Monday, April 24

Today is Monday

Hey everyone...Hope you've all had a fun day. People seem to be very sensitive today! I don't seem to be able to do or say anything without people taking it wrongly and personally. People STOP READING INTO THINGS!!!

Anyhoo...I am relatively Tipsy and I'm going to stop talking now!

Night everyone!

Back in Durham!!!

Today has been wierd!!! I can't quite believe that I'm actually here! Back at university for the next couple of months! People seem so different and not at all as I remembered them! It feels like we've never been apart yet away from each otehr for a long time at the same time. Think it's going to take a few days to settle in...again!

Anyhoo...tis late and I'm tired. Sleep well everyone!

Saturday, April 22

Back to University TOMORROW!!

I can't believe I've had 5 weeks off! Seems like only yesterday I came back home! And it's official I have done relatively NOTHING!!! Arggghhhhh!!! Exams start in a few weeks and I'm soooo NOT prepared!

Today has been fairly full. I have spent the day preparing for Victorias visit, producing a fantastic meal, been to the butchers to get a joint for tomorrow, and watched 2 very good episodes of Sharpe! Phew...all work and no play...!

Anyhoo...only and hour before my guests arrive so I'd best be off to get myself ready!

Have fun!

Friday, April 21

Thank God It's Friday!

Man...I LOVE that restaurant!!

The days are just dragging by...Probably because I'm so close to going back to university. There's so much to do...pack...collect work...prepare oneself. Yet I still have 1 1/2 days before I return so have to play families for a bit longer! Its kinda like being stuck between two time periods. Not really in either one. I still can't quite believe that this time next week I will be on my way to a lecture!

Today is going to be full of work...right after I've made my kebabs for tea! Mmmmmm!!

Hannah is going today...:-( She's off (thought there was a funny smell! HaHa!) to Flamingo Land with her friend for the weekend and I won't see her again ebfore I leave.

Right...time for work.

Victoria hope you have a good journey. See you in around 30 hours!!
Tim, Andy, etc have a good last day at home! See you in around 48 hours!!

Thursday, April 20

21 years! is my parents anniversary. They have endured each others company for 22 years, thats more than my lifetime and half of my mothers!! It must be LOVE!! HaHa!! Anyhoo...
**Happy 21st Anniversary Mam & Dad**
Love is a rather strange thing...rather one of perspective. People say when you're in love you will know...but what if you think you know and don't. Can you really know that you have found your true love, soul mate, the ONE without meeting every person part of the human race?
Hmmm...anyway...moving onto smaller things...I didn't get my packing started yesterday let alone finished so I plan to commence packing today...see tim, this is why I start gives me plenty of time to procrastinate! I have also prepared a candlelit supper for my parents!
*Yawn* I'm so tired! I havn't managed to get get to bed before 12am for the entire duration of this holiday...this is not good...I only have 3 nights left before returning to university!
Anyway...gtg check chicken!
Bye Bye

Wednesday, April 19

Hat trick!

I can't believe the holidays are nearly over...there's only 3 full days remaining! What should I do with my remaining three days? Considering mam's just ordered the entire series of Sharpe with BONUS video...I think they will be spent watching that!! Work will just have to wait until I get back and have the influence of my coo coo conscience once again!

Today I plan to finish my geology revision and start packing. I must also remember to wrap my parents anniversary present (21 years tomorrow!) and find a card...

...hmmmm...what else to write...These blog things are a good idea when you actually have a life...but can be rather depressing when you don't!

Speak soonish peeps...

Tuesday, April 18

Tuesday today hasn't really started but I'm gonna post neway. I hope nothing interesting occurs within the next 12 hours! after rising at ll i had breakfast...for the second time this week. I NEVER eat breakfast!

Then I spoke to a few people from uni for a while...then went into town!

After returning from town...I did some work!!! Yey for me!

That was an interesting post!

Well adios amigos!

5 days!

Monday, April 17


Well today has been full of...nothingness!!! We had my aunt round today for dinner...She was very tasty!! HaHa...JOKE!! Mam made a full roast...pork, beef, and all teh trimmings (parsnips, carrots, suede, mash potato, roast potato, cabbage, crackling, bread sauce, apple sauce, stuffing, and yorkshire puddings [ homemade- mam was on a mission to get them right as after all what 'yorkshire' born woman can't make proper yorkshire puddings?!])!! It was like a second Christmas...well I guess it is kind of related! I think that Jesus' death is one of very few that is actually celebrated...People say that life should be celebrated and not mourned and Christians seem to have got it right! It is quite strange to think that the death of one person can change the world so much...hmmm...too much thought for such a small mind.

Anyhoo...I seem to have run out of things to say...

I hope everyone is ok...Tim if you still bother to read my blog...leave a message. We havn't spoken for ages!

Not long left...only 6 days (5 to see Vicky! Yey!)!

P.S I have finished reading Harry Potter 6...was good (not in my opinion as good as number 4, but good all teh same) but I was disgusted at the ending! I have also watched 3/4 of the films so I think I can officially call myself a HP fan...and have caught up with all stories! Only took 3 months...not bad though!

Sunday, April 16

Sharpe RULES!!!!

Have spent the day wondering around carboots and enduring a pub lunch!! Was well nice!!! Mam found a steal...5 Sharpe videos for £10!!!! Have just watched Sharpes Eagle! I love Sharpe again...!!!


Will be back at uni this time next week...

Saturday, April 15

I can't think of a title so will write this instead!

Well I've failed...I didn't update my blog yesterday and missed my first day! Oh No!! Not to worry...I'll get over it!

As I won't have much chance to update over the next few days just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter...Eat, drink, and be Merry!! Don't forget the true meaning though!

Speak soon people!

P.S I've managed to endure 4 weeks of my 5 week holiday and do...very little!

Thursday, April 13

The early bird catches the worm!

I've got a pretty full day today and unfortunately it doesn't include work...I'm actually starting to panic now...I have so much to learn and so little time!

Anyway, this morning I'm going into town to pay for my transaction...I can't believe he charges £4 P & P...he only lives the other side of Durham! Then I'm going to my aunties (one of those who is an old best friend of a parent??!!) to see my 'cousins' and eat her homemade lasagne and watch DVD's all day! Should be fun! Havn't seen them for a prolonged period of time for aggggggggeeesssssssssss!!

This evening I'm off out to the Tapas Bar...sooooo nice! With my mam and her friends to help celebrate her birthday! Can't wait! The owner is particularly attractive and teh food is even better...

I see a pattern this day is about food...good food!

Right, got to go get ready, leaving in half hour!

We're down to single digits!! 9 days!

Wednesday, April 12

Michael they come!

I won my tickets...YEY!!! Little more than i would have liked to pay...but yey all the same!

"Today doesn't sound like a Birthday"???!!!

Well for a non-birthday there are a lot of people celebrating getting another year older today (well maybe not in the case of my mam). Warm Wishes are sent to Tim, Paul and Gill (mam).
This morning I got up...(notice not woke) 7am to give my mam her birthday cards (we're doing presents later!) and then returned to bed. When I actually woke up I made a trifle (well jelly so far) and checked the progress of my bid for the sold out tickets! Only 3 hours to go.
I should try and do some work this afternoon but I'm cooking tea and still havn't finished the scrapbook for my mams birthday :-S Ooops!
Anyhoo...gtg...people to do and things to see
10 days!

Tuesday, April 11

Apologies all round!

I must apologise for refering to all the faithful readers of 'Watch this Space' as sad. You are not sad and I can't blame you all for reading my throughly interesting blog!

Ok, apologies aside...I have exciting news! I have finally managed to get hold of a copy of HP 6- The Half-blood Prince!!! Yey for me! I am twelve chapters into at present and loving it! Getting very Dark though, very dark indeed. I'm starting to seriously worry that Harry will die...but there's going to be a seventh book, right? So he can't possibly die... :-S

Have been shopping today...with with men is always interesting I find. Whatever suggestions are made are always too expensive or not good enough quality/value for the price. I find that I rarely return with anything when I've been sg with a guy...

Anyhoo...I've got to go and find some fully booked concert tickets...long story!

11 days remaining!

Monday, April 10

Baking Day!

Wow!! What a busy day!!! I've made two cakes today including a birthday cake for my sisters friend!! I've included a picture so that you can see how fab it is and just how talented I really am!!

The Blue one was delicious!!

Apologies for yesterdays blog. Slight loss of sanity and look what lose your marbles!

Tum ti tum...

Hmmmm...very short blog! Right. Off to do some work now. Have fun everyone!

Ok. Bye sad people who still continue to read my blog!

:-( 12 days to go!